13 Powerful Home Remedies for Acne

Medically Reviewed on7/1/2022
13 Powerful Home Remedies for Acne
Acne is a common skin problem creating small bumps on the skin.

Acne(commonly calledpimples) affects both men and women.Acnecommonly occurs duringpubertyand adolescence due to hormonal changes. Androgens are sex hormones produced by the body during puberty that can causeacneoutbreaks.

Acnecausespainand leaves marks on the face, which can be uncomfortable. People with severe acne face cosmetic issues, which may impact them psychologically.

Some home remedies may help get rid of acne naturally.

What is acne?

Acne is a common skin problem creating smallbumps on the skin. Most adolescents are affected by acne when they attain puberty. When hormones become active at puberty, oil glands are stimulated to secret sebum (oil). When the small hair follicles in your skin get clogged by dead skin and oil,pimplesappear. This promotes the growth of microorganisms and irritates the skin.

Pimples on the face are common, but they can occur on the back, chest, arms, and neck.

The National Institutes of Health and New York University Langone Health noted six forms of acne:

  1. Whiteheads
  2. Blackheads
  3. Papules
  4. Pustules
  5. Nodules
  6. Cystic acne

13 home remedies for acne

  1. Zincsupplements
  2. Icedgreen tea
    • Green tea is abundant in antioxidants, which battle free radicals that harm the skin. It contains antibacterial characteristics that eliminate microorganisms that cause acne and pimples while keeping the skin healthy.
    • 装半玻璃用温水和陡峭的green tea bag in it. Pour the contents of the tea bag into the tray. Place the tray in the freezer to produce ice cubes. Take one ice cube and massage it all over your face. Just remember to steam your face before massaging the ice cubes so that the pores open and green tea enters the pores. Do it two times a day, in the morning and before retiring to bed.
  3. Chickpea flour
    • Chickpea flour or gram flour is an excellent home cure for pimples, especially if you have oily skin because it absorbs excess sebum excretion. Take one tablespoon of chickpea flour and mix water or milk to make a paste and apply to the cleansed skin. Retain the mask for 10 minutes and rinse it off completely. Do not use it if you areallergicto chickpeas.
  4. Baking soda lemon mask
    • A diluted baking soda solution cleans the pores of the skin by eliminating germs and extra oil that causes pimples. Lemon functions as a natural bleach, lightening the skin and removing dark spots. It removes dead skin and provides a fairer complexion.
    • Combine two tablespoons of baking soda and one-fourth cup of lemon juice to make a thick paste. Use the paste to treat the afflicted area. Allow it to dry for 5 to 10 minutes and rinse it.
  5. Mint
    • Mint can aid in the removal of pore-clogging oil. Combine two tablespoons of finely chopped fresh mint with two teaspoons of plain yogurt and oatmeal powder to make a paste. Put this on the face pack and allow it to sit for 10 minutes before rinsing with water.
  6. Tea tree oil
    • Tea tree oil has antibacterial characteristics, which help heal wounds and disinfect. Accumulation of germs is one of the causes of acne. Tea tree oil’s disinfection property helps reduce acne.
    • Using concentrated tea tree oil may irritate the skin and perhaps worsen your acne. Hence, it is usually combined with relaxing substances, such as green tea extract, so that while it disinfects your skin, the other components soothe it and help avoid irritation.
  7. Aloe vera gel
    • Aloe vera has medicinal and therapeutic characteristics that help treat acne,rashes, andscars. It inhibits skin discoloration caused by acne healing. It clears and smoothens the skin. It eliminates the germs that cause skin infections.
    • Take a new aloe vera plant and cut off both ends. Take the aloe vera gel from the leaf's core. Apply the aloe vera gel to the face. Continue rubbing until the gel begins to dry. Once the gel has been well absorbed, rinse your face with lukewarm water and pat dry.
  8. Egg whites
    • Albumin and lysozyme in egg whites have antiviral and antibacterial effects. Furthermore, egg whites help tighten and clean the skin's pores, eliminating excess oil, grime, and bacteria.
    • After separating the egg whites from two eggs, whisk the mixture and use a brush to apply it evenly to the skin. Rinse the face after 10 to 15 minutes withcoldwater.
  9. Echinacea
    • Echinacea (popularly called purple coneflower) may contain antiviral and antibacterial chemicals that work against Propionibacterium acnes. Echinacea helps strengthen the immune system, reduce inflammation and prevent diseases, such as colds andflu. There is some evidence that echinacea can help inhibit the spread of P acne and cure bacterial inflammation.
    • You can use echinacea lotions or consume echinacea pills available at health shops and online.
  10. Honey and cinnamon mask
    • Honey and cinnamon can combat germs and decrease inflammation, both of which contribute to acne. Both contain high levels of antioxidants. To make a paste, combine two tablespoons of honey and one teaspoon of cinnamon. After cleaning your skin, apply the mask and let it on for 10 to 15 minutes. Gently remove the mask and massage the skin dry.
  11. Steaming
    • Steaming opens pores and removes the dead cells beneath the pore surface. However, before you begin, you should wash your face to remove anymakeupor grime.
    • Bring a cup of water to aboil, then add three drops of tea tree oil and pour it into a bowl. Place the bowl on a level surface and lean toward it. Make a tent with a towel over your face to keep the steam from escaping. Wipe your face with a clean towel after 10 minutes. Make sure you splash cool water on the skin later to close the pores.
  12. Avoid acne triggers
    • Several regular, daily products can irritate the skin and lead to acne. These include sunscreens, hair gels, and other style products, oily or greasycosmetics, and acne concealing products. Some of these goods, such as cosmetics andsunscreen, are difficult to avoid. So, it is best if you seek water-based or non-comedogenic products. These products are less likely to cause acne. To reduce acne outbreaks, you should remove your makeup before going to bed each night.
  13. Proper face wash regimen
    • A proper face washing regimen is one of the keys to avoiding acne or clearing acne up rapidly. This includes cleaning the face two times a day with warm water and mild acne-specific soap. Use soft, circularstrokesand avoid scraping when washing. Overwashing and scrubbing can irritate the skin. After washing the face, use a lotion containingbenzoyl peroxideas an extra step.


Acne is the result of an allergy.See Answer

5 causes of acne

  1. Hereditary
    • Acne is a genetic condition that runs in families. If one of your parents had acne, you are more likely to acquire it as well, sooner or later in life.
  2. Hormonal
    • Androgens or sex hormones rise in everyone during puberty. This causes the follicular glands to grow and produce more sebum, resulting in acne. Many medical problems can cause an increase inandrogenlevels.
    • Hormonal changes due topregnancy, disorders (such aspolycystic ovarian syndrome), and the usage oforal contraceptivescan have an impact on sebum production.
  3. Medications
    • Acne flare-ups could be caused by steroids,lithium, and anticonvulsant medicines.
  4. Smoking
    • Smokingcan cause various negative effects on your health, and the skin is no exception. Everycigaretteyou smoke reduces the amount of oxygen available to your face.
    • The smoke irritates the skin, causing it to generate extra oil and may cause outbreaks. In addition to acne outbreaks on the face, pores on the face enlarge as collagen and elastin breakdown.
  5. Cosmetics
    • Oily cosmetics can clog your pores and make you prone to outbreaks. Wrong hair products can add up to acne outbreaks.

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Medically Reviewed on7/1/2022
Image Source: iStock image

Manjunatha. 13 tips for managing teen acne. Mayo Clinic. https://www.mayoclinichealthsystem.org/hometown-health/speaking-of-health/tips-for-managing-teen-acne

Varret G. Prevent, Treat and Overcome Teenage Acne. Children's Hospital Los Angeles. https://www.chla.org/blog/rn-remedies/prevent-treat-and-overcome-teenage-acne

American Academy of Family Physicians. Acne. https://familydoctor.org/condition/acne/