Anal Cancer: Symptoms & Signs

Medically Reviewed on9/10/2019

肛门癌iscancerthat arises in the anus, the end of the intestinal tract where凳子(feces) exits the body. Thecancercan begin either in the lining of the anus or in the skin surrounding the anus. Anal cancer is different from colon orrectal cancer, which arises in the other parts of thelarge intestine.Risk factors for developing anal cancer include infection with certain types ofhuman papillomaviruses(HPV),cigarette smoking, many sexual partners, and a weakened immune system.

Symptoms and signs of anal cancer include a hard lump or mass near the anus, anal discharge or bleeding, and a change in bowel habits. Other associated signs and symptoms can includepainwhen defecating,itchingof the anal area, and a sense of pressure or a foreign body sensation in the area.

Other anal cancer symptoms and signs

  • Anal Bleeding
  • Anal Discharge
  • Anal Itching(Anal Pruritus)
  • Anal Pain
  • Change of Bowel Habits (腹泻,Constipation, and/or Bowel Leakage)
  • Feeling of Pressure in the Anal Area
  • Mass or Lump Near the Anus
  • Mucus in the Stool
  • Painful Defecation


Colorectal Cancer: Symptoms, Signs, Screening, StagesSee Slideshow

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Kasper, D.L., et al., eds.Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 19th Ed.United States: McGraw-Hill Education, 2015.