Things to know about atrial fibrillation (AFib) medications

List of atrial fibrillation medications
Medications to treat AFib include beta-blockers, blood thinners, and heart rhythm drugs.

Talk to your doctor about medications and lifestyle changes that will increase the health of your heart.

Atrial Fibrillation Symptoms and Signs

Atrial fibrillation (AFib) is the most common type of abnormal heart rhythm. This heart condition is caused by abnormal electrical discharges (signals) that generate chaotically throughout the upper chambers of the heart.

Examples of symptoms of AFib are:

  • Shortness of breath
  • Chest pain
  • Fatigue
  • Dizziness
  • Palpitations

More serious side effects like seizures and bleeding in the brain may occur.

What is atrial fibrillation?

Atrialfibrillationalso referred to as a fib,AFib, A fib,AFIB, AFib, andA-fib) is a form ofheart diseasethat causes an irregular and usually rapid heart rhythm that results from abnormal electrical impulses in the upper chambers of the heart (atria) to theAV node.

Normally, our heart muscle contractions are initiated by an electrical impulse in theright atriumin the sinoatrial sinus node. This is the “naturalpacemaker” that causes the normal range of regular heartbeats (normal rhythm or sinus rhythm) that begin with electrical-induced muscular contraction in theatriumto move oxygenated blood from theleft atriumto theleft ventricle(blood enters the leftatriumthrough the pulmonary veins). When this normal electrical impulse is disrupted by the additional electrical activity of cells in theatriumoutside of the sinoatrial node, often the result is either irregular signals that result in chaotic muscular contractions of the atria or very fast and regular signals where contractions are less chaotic.

  • If the atrial electrical signals are very fast and regular,atrial flutteroccurs.
  • If the atrial generated signals are irregular or chaotic,atrial fibrillationoccurs.

People describeatrial fibrillationas feeling:

Serious symptoms that require immediate medical treatment (call 911) include:

Although there are no blood tests that can confirm a diagnosis ofatrial fibrillation, your doctor may order blood tests to check for other health problems that may mimic or contribute to your symptoms, for example, infections,heart attacks, and thyroid problems.

What does atrial fibrillation look like?

Picture of a Cross Section of the Heart Including the Atria and Ventricles.

Picture of a Cross Section of the Heart Including the Atria and Ventricles.

AFib is a type ofarrhythmia所谓的室上性心动过速,这意味着the problem occurs above the ventricles. For AFib, theabnormal heart rhythmsare due to irregular electrical activity in the atria, mainly theright atrium. It usually results in a fast and irregular heartbeat.

Picture of the Electrical Activity of the Heart During Atrial Fibrillation
Picture of the Electrical Activity of the Heart During AtrialFibrillation

Normal ECG wave strip pattern

Normal ECG Wave Strip Pattern

NormalECGWave Strip Pattern

EKGof a patient with rapidatrial fibrillationwith large peaks that are irregular.

Atrial Fibrillation ECG Wave Strip Pattern
Atrial FibrillationECGWave Strip Pattern


Atrial Fibrillation (AFib): Tips for Living with Atrial FibrillationSee Slideshow

What drugs are used to treat and manage atrial fibrillation?

This article will introduce you to treatments for AFib. Other non-medical treatments for thisheart diseaseinclude, for example, electricalcardioversion, catheter ablation therapy,pacemakerimplantation, the Maze procedure, and others. Most treatment programs foratrial fibrillationbegin with drugs.

Usually, these drugs are grouped into three large categories:

  1. Drugs that slow the heart rate
  2. 心rhythm medications called antiarrhythmic drugs
  3. Blood thinners

Some of the drugs used to treat this condition have more than one effect on the heart, for example,sotalol(Betapace+654) can affect both rates of heart and heart rhythm.

List of drugs that slow the heart rate

The majority of people with AFib have an increased heart rate. This increased heart rate, which is due to AFib, does not allow enough blood into the lower chambers of the heart (ventricles) and can weaken the heart over time. Several drugs are available to slow the rate of heart.


Beta-blockersare a class of drugs that prevent stimulation of the beta-adrenergic receptors responsible for increased cardiac action (contractions or pulse rate). For example, epinephrine receptors can be blocked.

Examples ofbeta-blockersthat may be used to treat AFib include:

Calcium channel blockers (CCBs)

Drugs slow the heart rate by blocking calcium influx into cells, thereby relaxing the heart and smoothing muscles lining the arteries. Two major drugs used for slowing the heart rate in AFib are called centrally acting drugs because they act on the heart and blood vessels. Peripherally actingCCBsdo not affect the heart.

Examples ofcalcium channel blockersused to treat AFib include:

洋地黄药物,加强心脏肌肉contractions and slows the heart. Brand names include:

List of drugs that control the heart rhythm

Many people with AFib may be treated with beta-blockers; however, the irregular electrical activity generated in the atria may still produce symptoms.

Sodium and potassium channel blockers are two main types of drugs used specifically to treat the chaotic electrical activity produced in the atria, which makes the heart's electrical function more normally. Both drug types (antiarrhythmic) act by slowing down electrical conduction in the heart by blocking either sodium or potassium channels that may result in more normal heartbeats.

Sodium channel blockers

Potassium channel blockers

List of drugs that prevent blood clots and strokes

Erratic and chaotic heart muscle contractions that occur in AFib increase the likelihood that thoseblood clotswill develop in the heart. This consequence can lead to serious problems such asstroke. Doctors use blood thinners to help prevent these blood clots.

两个主要类型的药物用于预防血clots fromatrial fibrillationare antiplatelets andanticoagulants.

Antiplatelet drugs

Antiplatelet drugs interfere with the normal blood clotting process that causes clots to form. Examples of antiplatelet drugs that help prevent clots are:

Blood thinning drugs

Examples of blood-thinning drugs are:

Some of theseanticoagulantsneed to be closely monitored to make sure that the blood-thinning effect is optimal. For example,Coumadinrequires checking at certain time intervals, depending upon your doctor’s recommendation.

Often, a cardiac specialist called an electrophysiologist is consulted to help you and your doctors decide which drugs will treat your individual problem best. Rarely, procedures that involve open-heart surgery are used to treat the condition and include minimally invasive surgery, for example, the Maze procedure (creatingscar tissueto block abnormal electrical impulses) for a few people.


Atrial fibrillation is a(n) ...See Answer

What are the serious side effects of atrial fibrillation drugs?

Most medications have potential side effects, and some can be serious. Usually, each drug has its possible effects or adverse reactions.

Serious side effects of AFib drugs are generalized for each major classification of drugs.

Beta andcalcium channel blockerscan cause:

Digitalis can cause:

Sodium channel blockerdrugs can cause tachyarrhythmias including ventricular tachycardia and may interact with digitalis and cause toxicity.

Potassium channel blockerdrugs can cause:

Antiplatelet andanticoagulantdrugscan cause:

You are encouraged to discuss any side effects with your doctor.

For a list of common and less severe side effects of these drugs, please read ourBeta-Blocker,Calcium Channel Blocker,digitalis, andantiplateletarticles.

Questions to ask your doctor about your atrial fibrillation medications.

A variety of drugs may be used to treat atrialfibrillation. However, each person is unique, and some people may not respond to medical treatment, and others may require both medical treatment and invasive techniques like ablation therapy. Many doctors recommend trying these medications before recommending additional invasive therapy. You and your doctors can decide which atrial fibrillation therapy is most likely to help you with your problem. Discuss the potential outcomes and side effects of your therapy with your doctors. In addition, discuss your heart health aboutdietandexerciseto avoidhigh blood pressure,heart disease,heart failure, and recurrence of AFib.

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Medically Reviewed on8/5/2022
Lawrence R, MD. Atrial Fibrillation Treatment & Management. Medscape. Updated: Apr 09, 2018.

Atrial Fibrillation Medications. American Heart Association. Updated: Apr 24, 2018.