新手orn Quiz: Baby Care Facts

Babies FAQs

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Q:新手orn babies don't sleep very much. True or False?


新手orns actually sleep a lot – up to 16 hours each day!

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Q:Babies usually laugh within the first four to six weeks or months?

A:Six months.

Social behaviors such as smiling begin as early as 6 weeks, but laughing out loud usually happens within three to six months. Sometimes babies laugh when they see mom or dad, or their favorite toy, but many babies laugh just because it's fun and it feels good!

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Q:At two months, what should new moms be doing to their babies?

A:At two months, new moms should talk to their babies!

父母应该和孩子玩,布鲁里溃疡t once a child reaches 2 months, talking to them is important as it starts the language learning process. Babies respond to the sounds of their parent's voices, and talking to them will encourage them to talk back!

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Q:Changes in baby's poop color should be cause for concern. True or False?


Relax! Baby poop changes color, and it's a constant concern for parents. But for the most part, it needn't be. It's just part of the growing process!

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Q:What does "hatching" mean?

A:Much like a baby bird hatches and comes into the word, at about 3 months your baby will hatch and come out of his shell.

This is when babies start to communicate and interact with their surroundings. Cooing and other vocalizations may replace crying, and babies will start to laugh.

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Q:A 3-month-old baby should cry a total of about one hour per day. True or False?


Three month old babies only cry about an hour each day. Crying is replaced by more cooing and babbling and other vocalizations as your baby tries to interact with his surroundings and communicate. If your baby cries more than about an hour, see a doctor to find out if there is an underlying cause.

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Q:Babies tend to double their birth weight by their fourth month of life. True or False?


By the time your baby is 4 months old, her weight will have doubled from her birth weight. Tell your child's pediatrician if your child isn't gaining weight or eating enough.

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Q:By the time a baby is 4 months old, parents should begin childproofing the home. True or False?


Childproofing should ideally start while you're expecting. There is a lot to do! Once your baby reaches 4 months old they start getting into everything and childproofing becomes a necessity. Install child-proof locks on cabinets, store all cleaning products and other dangerous items (medicines, knives, and even small items the child can choke on) out of reach, cover unused outlets, install window guards, and put up gates across stairways. Get on your hands and knees and see how the home looks from the baby's perspective so you can scope out anything that needs to be secured.

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Q:What is the best way to get a baby to go to sleep?

A:Put your baby into her crib when she's awake but drowsy, and not yet fully asleep, so she can learn to soothe herself to sleep.

This way, if baby wakes up in the middle of the night but doesn't need anything (he will probably cry if he does), he can get himself back to sleep without waking you.

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Q:Until at least age 1, what should mom avoid feeding the baby?

A:Babies should not consume honey until at least age 1 because it carries the bacteria that causebotulism.

Cow's milk should also be avoided for the first year because babies can't digest it like they can formula. In addition, the high levels of protein and minerals are taxing to a young baby's kidneys.

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Q:Separation anxiety usually appears in babies at about what age?

A:Starting at about 7 months, babies start to showseparation anxiety.

This is when babies start to understand that people and things exist even when they are not in front of them (called object permanence). Separationanxietycan peak at about 10 to 12 months, and finally tapers off by about 2 years.

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