Is My Rib Broken?

Rib Cage Overview

Picture of a rib cage with a broken rib
Picture of a rib cage with a broken rib

The 24 rib bones that surround your chest have two important jobs. First, they shield the organs in your upper body, like yourheartandlungs, from harm. Second, they connect to muscles and ligaments that move when you inhale or exhale and help you breathe.

Your ribs are flexible, and they curve. That makes them hard tocrackor break. But sometimes, they do.

How Do You Break a Rib?

The most common way you can break a rib is direct impact. That is with a hard hit to the chest or rib cage.

This can happen if you:

  • Have a bad fall
  • Get injured while playing sports
  • Are in a car accident
  • Are a victim of abuse

A rib can also break if you keep doing the same action over and over, like swinging a golf club. Repeated, hardcoughingcan also break a rib.

You’re more likely to break a rib if you have a health problem, likeosteoporosis, which weakens your bones. Older people are also more likely to break a rib since bones thin naturally with age.

How Can You Tell If You Have a Broken Rib?

If your rib is broken, you may notice:

  • A cracking sound or feeling inside your chest
  • Intensechest pain, especially when you take a deep breath
  • Swelling
  • Soreness
  • Bruising

How Do Doctors Know Your Rib Is Broken?

If your doctor suspects that you have a broken rib, she’ll do a physical exam and ask how you hurt yourself. She may also want you to have an imaging test. An X-ray,CT scan,MRI, orbone scancan give more details about what’s going on inside your chest.

Can a Broken Rib Be Serious?

A cracked rib isn’t as likely to cause problems as a rib that’s broken in two. A jagged part of a broken rib can harm some of your blood vessels and organs and cause:

  • Traumato your heart or blood vessels:If you break one of your top three ribs, a sharp edge could puncture youraorta(your body’s main artery).
  • Collapsed lung:肋骨骨折可能撕裂你的肺或胸壁,which can cause your lung to collapse. Signs that this has happened include troublebreathing,coughing up blood, and severechest pain.
  • Flail chest:If two or more of your ribs break into two or more pieces, you have a serious condition called “flail chest.” Your chest muscle and rib cage can start to move away from each other, rather than remain in sync, when you breathe.

Although rare, broken lower ribs can also cause damage to yourliver, spleen, or kidneys.

What’s the Treatment for Broken Ribs?

Many times, a rib cracks (fractures) but doesn’t break in two. Either way, your doctor can’t put a cast on it like you would get for a broken arm or leg. Instead, you’ll likely need to let your rib heal on its own. This often takes about 3 to 6 weeks. In the meantime, your doctor will try to manage yourpainand make sure that no other problems arise.

Your treatment will likely include:

If you have flail chest, your doctor may want to do surgery. Fixing your ribs can help you breathe more easily and prevent a severe lung infection likepneumonia.

帮助你的肋骨heal, your doctor may also suggest that you:

  • Sleepupright for the first few nights
  • Move around throughout the day to keep your lungs healthy
  • Don’t lift heavy objects or do any activity that makes your pain worse
  • Take 10 slow, deep breaths every hour
  • Don’t avoid coughing
  • Hold a pillow against your chest to reduce the pain when you need tocough
  • Quit smoking-- it may help your rib heal faster

When to Call the Doctor

If you’ve had an impact to your chest and now have symptoms of a broken rib, it’s a good idea to see a doctor.

If the doctor says it’s broken, let her know if:

  • Your pain doesn’t go away within a few weeks
  • Youcoughup green or yellowmucus
  • 你开始运行fever

Get help right away if:

  • You feel pressure or squeezing in your chest that lasts more than a few minutes
  • Chest pain extends to one or both shoulders or arms

These may seem like symptoms of broken ribs, but they are signs of aheart attack.

(c)2019 WebMD, LLC. All rights reserved.

NHS: “Broken or Bruised Ribs.”

Mayo Clinic: “Broken Ribs,” “Flail Chest: An Adult Case Study.”

Better Health Channel: “Rib Injuries.”