How Long Does Bronchitis Cough Last?

Last Editorial Review: 1/11/2018

Ask the experts

What can be done to stop achronic coughthat has accompaniedbronchitis? We have gone through antibiotic (Erythromycin) (five days so far) treatment , Brontex, and thecoughshows no signs of abating -- leaving my wife weak and tired. How long is thecoughsupposed to remain? Is there anything more to be done?

Doctor's response

Cough of 5 days duration is better termed "acute". Your wife's complaint likely relates toacute bronchitisand can be relieved bydrugswhich suppresscoughing(anti-tussives). Over the counter preparations such asRobitussinDM are quite helpful. A more potent prescriptive drug would beTussionex悬架是非常有效的。其他圣rategies include increasing the intake of fluids to liquefy secretions and use of a "mucolytic" like glyceryl guacolate to thin the mucous. Mostbronchitisis self limited and often of viral origin; therefore, antibiotics may be of limited benefit. Erythromycin is a good choice to cover possible bacterial infection and she may respond slowly over several weeks. Should the cough linger for a month, further evaluation including blood tests, sputum culture and a chest film is advisable. Other cases of unexplained cough includeasthma,sinusitisandgastroesophageal reflux disease(heartburn).


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