inflammation of the lungs
Asthma can cause irreversible damage to your lungs if the condition is not controlled well

Asthmacan cause irreversible damage to yourif the condition is not controlled well.Asthmainflames the inner lining of the respiratory tubes and tightens the smooth muscles surrounding the airways, resulting in narrowed airways and reduced air supply to lungs.

Persistent inflammation in the bronchial passage can damage themucusmembrane in the airways and destroy their ability to filter air pollutants which can affect the lungs. Bronchialmuscle spasms(bronchospasms) can narrow the airways, and progressively compromise lung function.

What is asthma?

Asthmais a condition in which the respiratory tract (trachea and bronchial tubes) overreacts to common things in the environment one is exposed to on a daily basis. An acuteasthma attackproduces the following reactions in the lung’s airways, obstructing free air flow:

  • The mucus membrane gets inflamed, swells up and produces excessive mucus that is thick and difficult to expel.
  • The smooth muscles around theairwaytighten, causing bronchospasms which constrict the airway.

Symptoms of asthmainclude:

What are the long-term effects of asthma?

In the long term, chronic inflammation and bronchospasms from asthma can make structural changes in the airway (airway remodeling) causing it to become permanently narrowed. The airway tubes become scarred and thickened, and the bronchial muscles get enlarged, leading to reduced lung function and breathing difficulties.

Asthma increases the risk for bronchial infections. Asthma can also affectsleepquality and lead tosleepdeprivation. It can affect the ability to take part inexerciseand sports, which can in turn, potentially lead to conditions such asdiabetes,obesityandhigh blood pressure.

Severe asthma increases the risk for respiratory failure. Though rare, an acute asthma attack can diminish oxygen supply to the body, causeweaknessandfatigue, and can sometimes even lead to death.

Does asthma get worse as you age?

With age, lungs become less elastic, chest walls more rigid and respiratory muscles less efficient, which can aggravateasthma symptoms. Older people may not respond very well to inhaledcorticosteroidsused to treat asthma, due to physiological changes that come with age.

Older people often have other coexisting conditions (comorbidities) which can complicate diagnosis and treatment of asthma. The risk for morbidity and mortality typically increases with age.

Can asthma be cured?

Asthma is chronic and incurable, but can be controlled well with medications and lifestyle changes to avoid asthma triggers. With appropriate treatment, it is possible to reduce inflammation, relieve bronchospasms and prevent permanent damage to the airways and lungs.

Treatment can reduce the intensity and frequency of asthma attacks sufficiently for most people to live a normal and fulfilling life, including elite athletes who undertake intense physical activity.


What is Asthma? Asthma Myths DebunkedSee Slideshow

What happens if asthma is left untreated?

Untreated asthma can get progressively worse, lead to long-term complications and cause avoidable damage to the respiratory system. Some types ofchildhood asthmado seem to improve on their own. Approximately 50% of children grow out of asthma, but it is impossible to predict who might outgrow and who might not, so it is best to treat asthma at the earliest signs.

Often asthma patients get used to mild breathing difficulties and excess mucus, treat only acute episodes and ignore the condition otherwise. Persistent asthma can worsen over time if not properly treated with maintenance medications, and affect overall health and quality of life.

Asthma is a chronic disease that flares up in acute episodes with triggers and stays dormant at other times. Absence of overt symptoms does not mean that the disease has gone away, and inflammation can persist causing lasting damage that is not immediately felt. Early and aggressive treatment may be the best solution to prevent irreversible damage to the lungs. Discuss with your doctor what you should do to give yourself early and aggressive treatments.

How can you prevent permanent damage to lungs from asthma?

It is not possible to entirely prevent asthma attacks, but you can protect your lungs from damage by controlling the disease well. Following are some steps you can follow to manage asthma and prevent lung damage.

  • Try to identify and avoid your triggers for asthma attacks.
  • Avoid all types ofsmoking(cigarettes, cigars, and vaping, for example) andsecond-hand smoke.
  • Getfluandpneumoniavaccinationsand protect against infections.
  • Stay active andexercise.
  • Follow your treatment plan diligently. Do not skip medications because you don’t have symptoms.
  • 永远都不要停止或改变your medication without checking with your doctor.
  • Learn to identify early symptoms of an attack and treat immediately.
  • Have your lungs regularly checked by the doctor and learn to monitor your lung function with a home peak airflow meter.
  • Seek medical help promptly if you are unable to keep the condition under control.

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Medically Reviewed on4/23/2021
