Can You Get Cervicitis Without an STD?

Medically Reviewed on8/9/2021
Cervicitis without STI

While sexually transmitted infections (STI) are the leading cause of cervicitis, the condition can also be caused by allergies, injuries and other noninfectious causes.

Yes, you can get cervicitis without asexually transmitted disease(性病). Nonetheless, sexually transmitted infections or STIs, such asgonorrhea,chlamydia,genital herpesand trichomonas, cause most cases of cervicitis.

Cervicitis may also be caused by other reasons, such as:

Some of the risk factors for cervicitis include:

  • Having multiple sexual partners
  • Having a history ofSTI
  • Being sexually active at an early age
  • Having a high-risk sexual behavior
  • Having sexual partners who have a history of STIs or a high-risk sexual behavior

What is cervicitis?

Cervicitis is inflammation of the cervix, which is the lower, narrow end of the uterus that forms a canal between the uterus and vagina.

Cervicitis may be caused by an infection (such as STIs) or a noninfectious cause (such asallergies). Depending on its duration, the condition may be either acute or chronic.

  • Acute cervicitisis usually caused by an infection, although it may also be the result of other conditions, such as irritants orallergies. It is sudden in its onset and will resolve quickly with proper treatment.
  • Chronic cervicitis, however, has a gradual onset and persists for a long period. It is usually caused by noninfectious origins, such as prolonged exposure to irritants (including deodorants, condoms or tampons).

Cervicitis may or may not cause any symptoms and may be incidentally diagnosed. The condition, however, must not be ignored because untreated cervicitis may cause complications, such as:

What are the symptoms of cervicitis?

Usually, cervicitis is asymptomatic and may be incidentally diagnosed when the female undergoes a pelvic examination for another reason, such aspregnancy.

When present, the symptoms of cervicitis generally include:

How is cervicitis treated?

Treatment of cervicitis primarily depends on its cause. Other factors that influence treatment include the age of the patient, duration of the condition and the symptom severity.

  • Cervicitis caused by allergies or irritants may be managed by avoiding the use of the offending agents, such as feminine hygiene products or spermicidal jellies.
  • Bacterial infections, such aschlamydia,gonorrheaorbacterial vaginosis, may be treated with antibiotics.
  • Antiviral medications may be prescribed to treat cervicitis caused bygenital herpes. This treatment controls inflammation and may help limit the spread of infection although the infections cannot be cured.

The doctor may recommend avoiding high-risk sexual behavior and abstaining from sex until the treatment is completed.


The vagina includes the labia, clitoris, and uterus.See Answer

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Medically Reviewed on8/9/2021
Powell AM, Nyirjesy P. Acute Cervicitis. UpToDate.

Ada’s Medical Knowledge Team. Cervicitis. Ada Health.