什么是胆碱水杨酸镁,如何it work (mechanism of action)?

Cholinemagnesium salicylate(or trisalicylate) is a type ofnonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug(NSAID), referred to as a salicylate, which is effective in treatingfever,pain, and inflammation in the body. Otherdrugswithin the same class areaspirin,diflunisal(Dolobid) andsalsalate(Disalcid). They work by reducing the levels of prostaglandins, chemicals that are responsible forpain,fever, and inflammation. The salicylates block the enzyme that makes prostaglandins (cyclooxygenase), resulting in lower concentrations of prostaglandins. As a consequence, inflammation, pain and fever are reduced.

What brand names are available for choline magnesium salicylate?

Trilisate (Please Note: This brand name drug is no longer available in the US)

Is choline magnesium salicylate available as a generic drug?


Do I need a prescription for choline magnesium salicylate?


What are the side effects of choline magnesium salicylate?

Common side effects of choline magnesium salicylate areheartburn, stomach ulcers,nausea, orvomiting. Patients should tell their doctor immediately if any of these unusual but potentially serious side effects occur: severeabdominal pain,easy bruisingor bleeding, fast heartbeat, persistentnauseaorvomiting, unusualtiredness, change in the amount or color of urine, yellowing of the eyes or skin, unusual bleeding, andhearing loss.

What is the dosage for choline magnesium salicylate?

Forrheumatoid arthritis,osteoarthritis, other severearthritis, and acutepainful joints, the recommended starting dosage is 1500 mg given twice a day. The recommended dose range is 1000 to 3000 mg given every 8 to 12 hours.

For mild to moderate pain or fever, the usual dosage is 1000 mg to 1500 mg every 12 hours.

It should be taken with food to prevent anupset stomach. This drug should not be used in children orteenswithchickenpoxorflu symptoms.

Which drugs or supplements interact with choline magnesium salicylate?

: Choline magnesium salicylate, as other salicylates, should not be given within six weeks ofinfluenzavirusvaccineas this can increase risk of Reye's syndrome (a serious, often fatal disease that causes numerous detrimental effects to many organs, especially the brain andliver) due to unknown mechanisms.

When choline magnesium salicylate is used in combination withmethotrexate(Rheumatrex,Trexall), an antimetabolite, the blood levels of methotrexate may increase, presumably because the elimination of methotrexate from the body is reduced. This may lead to more methotrexate-related side effects.

Concurrent use of choline magnesium salicylate andwarfarin(Coumadin), a blood thinner, may cause excessive bleeding as choline magnesium salicylate enhances the effect of warfarin. It is therefore important to reduce the dosage of warfarin.

NSAIDsmay reduce the官网地址bwin降低药物的影响that are given to reduce blood pressure. This may occur because prostaglandins play a role in the regulation of blood pressure.

Persons who have more than three alcoholicbeveragesper day may be at increased risk of developing stomach ulcers when taking choline magnesium salicylate or other NSAIDs.


The termarthritisrefers to stiffness in the joints.See Answer

Is choline magnesium salicylate safe to take if I'm pregnant or breastfeeding?

Choline magnesium salicylate is excreted inbreast milk; therefore, caution should be exercised when administering it tonursingwomen.

What else should I know about choline magnesium salicylate?

What preparations of choline magnesium salicylate are available?

Tablets: 500, 750, and 1000 mg. Liquid: 500 mg/5 ml.

How should I keep choline magnesium salicylate stored?

Choline magnesium salicylate should be stored at controlled room temperature 15 C to 30 C (59 F to 86 F) in a sealed container protected from light and moisture.


Choline magnesium salicylate (Trilisate) is a NSAID prescribed for the treatment and relief of moderate pain, inflammation, and fever from conditions such as soft tissue injuries, tendinitis, bursitis, and arthritic conditions. Side effects, warnings and precautions, drug interactions, and patient information should be reviewed prior to taking any medication.

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See more info:RxList胆碱水杨酸镁
Medically reviwed by: John Cunha, DO

Reference: FDA Prescribing Information