Brand Name: Colestid

Generic Name:colestipol

Drug Class:Bile Acid Sequestrants

What is colestipol, and how does it work (mechanism of action)?

Colestipol is an oral prescriptioncholesterol-lowering drug that is not absorbed from the intestine into the body. Rather, it works by binding to bile acids in the intestine and promoting the elimination of bile acids in the凳子. Bile acids are formed in theliverfrom cholesterol, secreted into bile, and with the bile enters the intestine. Most of the bile acids are reabsorbed from the intestine back into the body to be cycled again through the liver and bile. By promoting the elimination of bile acids, colestipol forces the liver to convert more cholesterol into bile acids to replace the lost bile acids. This reduces the levels of cholesterol within the body.

What is the dosage for colestipol?

  • Colestipol is most often prescribed in 2 to 4 divided doses but may also be prescribed once daily.
  • The usual adult dose is
    • 2-16 gm of tablets administered once or twice daily or
    • 5-30 grams of granules once daily or 4 times daily.
  • Tablets should not be cut, crushed, or chewed.
  • Granules should be mixed in three ounces of fluid (water or fruit juice).

What are the uses for colestipol?

  • Colestipol is used together with dietary modifications for the treatment of high bloodcholesterol levels.
  • Other less common uses include
    • the treatment ofdiarrheadue to increased intestinal bile acids after some types of intestinal surgery and
    • the treatment ofitchingassociated with partial obstruction to the flow of bile due toliver disease.
    • Theitchingis believed to be due to the accumulation of bile acids in the body.

What are the side effects of colestipol?

The most common adverse effect isconstipation. Other less frequent side effects are:

Rarely, ulcers, reduced absorption of nutrients, fatty stools, and stomach or intestinal bleeding may occur.

Other serious side effects of colestipol include:

  • Fecal impaction
  • Esophageal obstruction
  • Gallbladder inflammation
  • Ulcers
  • Gallstones


How to Lower Your Cholesterol & Save Your HeartSee Slideshow

Which drugs or supplements interact with colestipol?

  • Colestipol binds many different compounds in the gastrointestinal tract, thereby inhibiting their absorption into the body. For example, colestipol can bind with and decrease the oral absorption ofcarbamazepine(Tegretol), diuretics such ashydrochlorothiazide(found in Dyazide, Maxzide), andfurosemide(Lasix),propranolol(Inderal), tetracyclines, and fat-solublevitamins(vitaminsA, D, and K). Colestipol can bind with and inhibit the absorption of thyroid hormones. Colestipol also can bind withursodiol(Actigall, Urso). Separating the doses of colestipol and these other compounds by several hours should prevent binding with colestipol. Generally, otherdrugsshould be administered one hour before colestipol or 4 hours after colestipol is administered.
  • Colestipol binds tovitamin K, a vitamin that is required by the liver to make the factors that allow blood to clot. Colestipol, by reducing the action of vitamin K, may exaggerate the effect ofwarfarin(Coumadin), reducing the body's ability to formblood clots. This interaction could lead to abnormal bleeding. On the other hand, colestipol can bind with warfarin directly and inhibit the absorption of warfarin. To avoid this interaction, doses of warfarin and colestipol should be separated by at least 4-6 hours.
  • Colestipol is closely related to cholestyramine. Cholestyramine has been more extensively studied than colestipol. Therefore, severaldrug interactionshave been described with cholestyramine for which data is lacking with colestipol. It would be prudent to assume that similar interactions exist for both drugs and to separate ingestion of colestipol from the other drugs by several hours. These interactions with cholestyramine include


What preparations of colestipol are available?
  • Granules: 5 gm/ packet or bulk (5gm/teaspoonful) in canisters
  • Tablets: 1 gm.
How should I keep colestipol stored?
  • Tablets and granules should be stored at room temperature, 20 C to 25 C (68 F to 77 F).


Colestipol (Colestid) is an oral drug prescribed for the treatment ofhigh cholesterol,diarrheadue to increased intestinal bile, anditchingdue toliver disease. Side effects,drug interactions, warnings, andpregnancysafety information should be reviewed prior to taking any medication.

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Medically Reviewed on10/19/2022

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