Patient Comments: Fever - Treatments


What treatments helped to reduce your fever?Submit Your Comment

Comment from: payal, Female (Caregiver) Published: April 11

My sister had fever and she took paracetamol tablets for relief of some pain and heat. After that she took a cold bath and rubbed ice on her face, side, arm and head.

Comment from: mother forever, 7-12 Female (Caregiver) Published: November 26

For a fever that doesn't break especially a high one take Tylenol then in two hours Advil and repeat if needed. My daughter had a very high fever that would not break and this was the only way to beat the fever. Advice was given to me by the emergency room doctor.

Comment from: Christine, 65-74 Female (Patient) Published: June 11

I have had the shivers and temperature of 37.7 and feel really shaky. I had breast cancer surgery with a reduction 3 weeks ago had checkup Friday. I wonder if I should be worried.

Comment from: Himanshu shende, 35-44 Male (Patient) Published: November 26

I am suffering from fever last 15 days. I did treatment but still I am suffering with the fever daily from 6 to 10 in the evening. My body temperature automatically rises and I feel cold.

Comment from: jrene61, 13-18 Female (Caregiver) Published: January 26

A simple treatment to relieve a fever: A cold wash cloth and a popsicle.

Comment from: 25-34 Female (Patient) Published: July 05

If your fever gets above 100.4 try cooling down your pulse points, wrists or neck, anywhere blood is closer to the surface of your skin, tops of your feet even behind your knees. I use ice packs or damp wash cloths.

Comment from: Pol810, 3-6 Male (Patient) Published: April 06

When I have fevers I use a wet towel with ice cold water and rub all over body especially under armpits. Then wet towel again and release excess water and put towel onto forehead, switching every hour.


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