Patient Comments: Creatinine Blood Test - Results


Why did your health care professional want to check your creatinine levels?Submit Your Comment

Comment from: BirdBrain, 65-74 Female (Patient) Published: August 27

I was checking my urinalysis and creatinine levels to see how my only kidney is functioning. I lost my right kidney due to TCC (renal transitional cell carcinoma).

Comment from: newyearnewlease21, 65-74 Female (Patient) Published: February 19

I am a 67 year old female with longtime type 2 diabetes. The doctor just wanted to check kidney function. Just took CT scan with contrast and eGFR this morning. I have not spoken with my physician yet. My value is 47ml/min/1.73m2. Thanks.

Comment from: Sam, 75 or over Female (Patient) Published: April 21

My urine creatinine total is 53.30. Microalbumin is 0.50. I have type 3 kidney failure.

Comment from: Country Boy, 55-64 Male (Patient) Published: February 27

I am 55, male. I have 4th stage cirrhosis of liver and am on a transplant list. I get my creatinine levels checked monthly; they go up and down, and it's frustrating.

Comment from: VirtualRealtor, 65-74 Male (Patient) Published: December 10

I have atrophy of the right kidney. At my nephrologist recommendation, I eliminated sodium from my diet and brought down the creatinine level and increased the GFR. This has stabilized the functioning of my kidneys. I am grateful to my nephrologist. Now after suffering from hypertension for many years, my blood pressure has shown a distinct drop after coming to a hot climate country. I am waiting to return to Canada and monitor my blood pressure before seeing my nephrologist.

Comment from: Cat, 45-54 (Patient) Published: March 11

I am 49, female, with creatinine levels of 2.8. Not sure what this means.

Comment from: Flgtrgal, 13-18 Male (Caregiver) Published: November 06

My son who is 16 was recently diagnosed with Alport syndrome, a rare genetic disorder. His creatinine level is currently at a 3.05. His eGFR is currently going down. He is sitting at 27.2. This is really awful because not many doctors know what this is and only about 50,000 cases have been discovered in the past 100 years.

Comment from: Quinn, 45-54 Female (Caregiver) Published: October 24

In mid-August, I swung around the corner in the kitchen and jammed my little toe into the shoe of my husband who was standing in front of the refrigerator. Excruciating! I screamed in pain and hobbled crying to the couch holding my little toe. I iced it for an hour or more and went to bed that night in agony. It would be a week before I had it x-rayed, which revealed I had a non-displaced fracture of my pinky toe. I started buddy taping it, as instructed. Six weeks later, it still hurts.

Comment from: KatS!, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: September 03

I have a condition called diabetes insipidus and after 23 years the medication for it has begun to interfere with my thirst mechanism. I am constantly struggling to stay hydrated. If I miss a dose of my medicine I will drink massive amounts of water, and then have to eliminate it all! My endocrinologist is keeping an eye on my kidneys and creatinine levels for this reason. So far, so good. Thank goodness for my endocrinologist!

Comment from: Long Term Stents. , 35-44 Female (Patient) Published: August 19

My GFR (glomerular filtration rate) is 54. My creatinine is 109. My levels are checked because I have a long term nephrostomy tube in both kidneys. I had a kidney infection. I was on IV fluids sodium chloride electrolytes, and liquid IV of antibiotics. I was in isolation for 7 days. Nurses wore gowns, masks, and gloves. I have a fistula. I have broken pelvic and sacral bones, and lesions. I had a 43 hemoglobin. Wonder if I have stage 3 renal disease. I had pelvic cancer. I was a victim of exploitation. I had 2 new bugs growing with 2 new names. I'm resistant to Cipro and Macrobid.

Comment from: Beachgirl2, 65-74 Male (Patient) Published: August 13

In 2017 I noticed a small blackish mole on the upper right side of my abdomen. I didn’t think anything of it. Though being a sun worshiper and a sister with melanoma history, I should have been more diligent. It would itch but also hurt while in the shower. It would bleed and then crust up. Finally, went to see a dermatologist and he did scraping of that one and one above my left eyebrow. It came back basal cell carcinoma (BCC). This January I noticed 2 in the center of my chest. I went and had scraping, both were BCC. I had them excised. It is hurting still and keloid has formed.


Kidney Stones: Symptoms, Causes, and TreatmentSee Slideshow
Comment from: Char, 65-74 Female (Patient) Published: May 17

My health care professional wanted to check my creatinine levels because there was blood in my urine.

Comment from: Susie, 55-64 (Patient) Published: April 24

I was diagnosed with kidney cancer at age 28. I had a nephrectomy, and in my recent blood work my creatinine level is 1.46.

Comment from: Naresh, 45-54 Male (Patient) Published: January 17

I was experiencing pain in my knees and back of ankles for last few days, which is why my doctor wanted to check my creatinine levels.

Comment from: Anta, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: September 26

因为我是糖尿病和我有定向e pain in the left side of my lower back down to my leg my creatinine level was checked and it is 1.35.

Comment from: Jaksbabe, 75 or over Female (Patient) Published: September 19

I have kidney disease so my creatinine levels are checked regularly. My creatinine levels have been steady at 40 but now down to 36.

Comment from: Marialynn69, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: September 17

Because I have liver cirrhosis, my doctor wants my creatinine levels checked.

Comment from: Geo, 45-54 Male (Patient) Published: August 15

My story begins about 12 years ago, I was having extreme abdominal pain so I went to the doctor. I found out that I have chronic pancreatitis, which brought on diabetes, so I was prescribed metformin. While taking the metformin and ibuprofen. My kidneys started to lose function. So now I'm in kidney failure. My creatinine level too has gone up to four, and as of last month my kidneys were working at 23 percent. I'm now looking at dialysis. Your site has been a real benefit thanks.

Comment from: Me, 75 or over Female (Patient) Published: August 07

My health care professional wanted to check my creatinine levels because I am a Crohn’s disease patient and have blockages.

Comment from: Dutchess, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: May 29

我的医生wanted to check my creatinine levels because he wants to do an MRI with and without contrast on my back.

Comment from: Colin Fisher, 65-74 Male (Patient) Published: May 22

我的医生wanted to check my creatinine levels to check if spironolactone is increasing my creatinine levels.

Comment from: Jethro, 65-74 Male (Patient) Published: March 27

I am a 65 year old male, who was diagnosed with prostate cancer about 2 years ago. My creatinine level, at my last blood test, was 1.4. Normal range .7 to 1.25. My creatinine ratio is 11, the normal ratio is 6 to 22.

Comment from: gerry, 65-74 Male (Patient) Published: June 13

My healthcare professional wanted to check my creatinine levels because I had excessive perspiration, any season, temperature, altitude, etc.

Comment from: kio, 65-74 Female (Patient) Published: December 20

My healthcare professional wanted to check my creatinine levels because of my symptoms of thirst, frequent urination, salty taste, weight loss.

Comment from: Rakey, 75 or over Female (Patient) Published: October 19

I had been sick for a long time and had every test in the books. My creatinine level is 1.36. I got fed up and changed doctors. My new doctor checked my creatinine test results and found the high levels recorded back in 2015. Thank goodness he did. My old doctor was asleep at the wheel. I am being instructed to drink enough water so I can urinate every two hours, and I will be retested in two months.


The only purpose of the kidneys is to filter blood.See Answer
Comment from: Tom tom, 35-44 Female (Patient) Published: January 27

My healthcare professional wanted to check my creatinine levels because I had frequent urination.

Comment from: 65-74 Female (Patient) Published: October 02

我是一个55岁的女性。我有肠易激yndrome (IBS) for several years. I believe that IBS is a name that doctors use when they are not sure what the cause of constant IBS is. What I found out just recently after 10 or so years and many doctors is that an antibiotic was the cause of mine. I had what is called Clostridium difficile Infection. This is when the good and bad bacteria in your colon is interrupted, caused by antibiotics. Please be checked for this I had it a long time before I was diagnosed. I'm absolutely fine now and can eat anything I want, I just had my gallbladder out a year ago and I am fine.

Comment from: HLMencken, 65-74 Male (Patient) Published: August 20

I am 69 years-old. I recently had two blood tests taken a couple of weeks apart that showed that my creatinine levels were above the normal maximum level for males of my age. My doctor told me to discontinue taking fenofibrate and take another blood test in a month. Meanwhile, I just had a bladder and renal ultrasound done and everything was normal. I am a gym rat and it is my guess that my muscle mass and workout contribute to the higher creatinine level.

评论:kamal t。35-44男性(照顾) Published: December 15

My health care professional wanted to check my creatinine levels to check the condition of the kidney, lower the creatine level in blood means the kidney is functioning better.

Comment from: donna0718, 65-74 Female (Patient) Published: October 10

I had cancer of the ureter. It killed my kidney. So I have one kidney. Which is why my creatinine level was checked. My creatinine level just got higher. And I wonder how to lower it.

Comment from: TODI, 45-54 Male (Patient) Published: March 26

I"m checked regular because of my lung transplant. I take immunosuppressants. My last creatinine level was 2.1 and Prograf was 11.5.

Comment from: Kiwi Val, 65-74 Female (Patient) Published: March 07

我的医生wanted to test my creatinine levels because I am obese and diabetic for 18 years, type 2. Blood pressure runs at 145/86 4 hours after medicines, but often 185/99 before. Blood creatinine was 73 umol/L giving EGFR 74, 5 months later was 98, giving GFR 52. I was worried, but 3 weeks later it was back to previous test.

Comment from: Hassan, 35-44 Male (Patient) Published: February 04

My blood test shows urea (serum) 21 and creatinine (serum) 0.6. I had a severe fever with extra severe cold frequently and after two or three months regularly with fatigue, and my physician suggested this test.

Comment from: bev66, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: January 02

我有克罗恩氏病和TPN(总括弧teral nutrition) for 9 months. I came off of it in July and since then I have been craving salty foods/drinks. My monthly blood tests for creatinine levels have ranged from 166 to 154 to 148 can't get it lower than that. I have been referred to a renal doctor now.

Comment from: Cp, 65-74 Female (Patient) Published: February 14

The creatinine levels all keep fluctuating.

Comment from: Habib, 25-34 Female (Caregiver) Published: September 26

The patient has low blood pressure and not stable, so the doctor checked the creatinine levels.

Comment from: Lokesh Kumar, 25-34 Male (Patient) Published: September 20

My creatinine level is 1.73 and urea is 43. I am continuously taking care about it with regular tests. I have high blood pressure around 130 to 140 but sometimes it becomes 150.

Comment from: Brenda, 75 or over Female (Patient) Published: July 20

My healthcare professional wanted to check my creatinine levels prior scheduled MRI with gadolinium.

Comment from: Dogday, 45-54 Male (Patient) Published: June 11

I wonder if a creatinine level of 2.2 is very much. I'm currently taking spironolactone 25 mg every day. Last summer while in the hospital I contracted C. difficile. My kidney function was poor and they said I may need dialysis. Later the doctor told me my function returned to normal.

Comment from: Marianne, 65-74 Female (Patient) Published: May 30

My lab work was ordered on my first appointment with a primary care doctor. My creatinine level is 1.17. I am a 69 year old female. I have chronic pain from two back and 1 neck surgeries. My blood pressure is high. It could be from the pain, as it is normally excellent.

Comment from: Negrito, 45-54 Male (Caregiver) Published: May 03

I had my kidney transplant done and take tacrolimus. My creatinine is at 11.5 in 8 months. My body is working with one kidney.

Comment from: yellow bird, 75 or over Female (Patient) Published: March 23

My doctor checked my creatinine levels to monitor the kidney function.

Comment from: Mahbub , 19-24 Male (Patient) Published: August 31

I am 25 years old and today I checked my serum creatinine. Result was 1.23 mg. My father died few days ago due to kidney failure.

Comment from: injleen, 65-74 Female (Patient) Published: May 25

I have patches on skin and swollen legs, so my healthcare professional wanted to check my creatinine levels.

Comment from: Collart, 75 or over Female (Patient) Published: February 12

After my annual checkup with my doctor I received my report indicating that my creatinine level was 0.90 H.

Comment from: Parisite, 65-74 Female (Patient) Published: February 02

About one year ago after taking 500 mg of naproxen twice a day for several years for arthritis, my ankles began to swell daily. When I had a physical, my lab tests showed an elevated level of creatinine. My doctor said it was from the naproxen and took me off it. Now I'm unable to take any anti-inflammatory medicines for arthritis.

评论:电脑,75岁以上男性(照顾) Published: November 04

My 82 year old father had a CT scan with contrast. His creatinine level is 1.6. Lab tests were done on 10/29 and repeated on 10/31. The results are unchanged. He has a neo bladder as a result of cancer 10 years ago.

Comment from: kkkalarm, 65-74 Male (Caregiver) Published: March 20

My husband"s creatinine level was 189.0. They did the 24 hour urine test recently. He has had prostate cancer and kidney cancer in the last two years. They removed 1/2 of the kidney. This high number alarms me.

Comment from: AJ, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: March 19

它was a required test to quality for long term care insurance. Mine was high, but I still qualified for the insurance.

Comment from: GOYAL, 65-74 Male (Patient) Published: October 28

I had problems of urinary infection and also enlarged prostate. My blood pressure with some medication is 110/70, Pulse 60 and weight 83 Kg. My blood test showed urea 52 creatinine 1.4 NA 14 K 5.6 CA 10 P 2.8. It indicates higher levels of Creatinine and K.

Comment from: J.Allen, 45-54 Male (Patient) Published: August 16

I recently received the results of urine testing that indicated my creatinine levels were elevated beyond the normal range. My doctor said it's probably associated with my BP meds and since the elevation was around 3% above the upper level, I would have to look at increasing my exercising and weight loss to aid in eliminating my BP meds. I don't have any symptoms and drink 12-16 ounces of water 5-6 times a day. Some people will fall out of the normal range simply due to their biological makeup and types of medications they are on.

Comment from: main pain, 75 or over Male (Patient) Published: May 10

I am allegedly infected with rheumatoid and osteoarthritis. During the past two years a doctor has prescribed medicine to reduce the associated pain which at times is significant. During this period our family doctor has noticed a rise in Creatinine up to and exceeding the prescribed range. The culprit in this case was suspected to be the arthritis anti pain medication. It was not used for the next two weeks during which time the pain level rose and the Creatinine level fell which was demonstrated by lab studies. Following that period, a different arthritis anti pain medication was used for the next three weeks. The creatinine level rose again while the pain level fell again as demonstrated by lab studies. This same exercise was continued with three other arthritis anti pain medication with the same results. I am now without benefit of any arthritis anti pain medication enduring significant pain while the Creatinine is within the prescribed range once more. Other pain medications do not appear to satisfy the arthritis pain receptors and control the level of pain.

Comment from: Sue, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: April 16

Two months ago I had a standing order blood work done and the doctor's office called and told me my kidneys were failing and to go off my nabumetone (relafin) right away and I had to go to a nephrologist after having an ultra sound of my kidneys and more blood work. I went to the nephrologist yesterday (a wonderful doctor!!) and he took the time to explain everything to me. I had been off the nabumetone for two months and my creatine levels came down a little to .9 but the doctor told me not to take any Nsaids because they can cause kidney problems but will have to have more blood work done in a couple of months to keep an eye on it. Scary!

Comment from: sklaltusabir, 35-44 Male (Patient) Published: February 20

My creatinine serum/plasma is 0.8.

Comment from: Ti, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: January 22

I am 35. I had lab tests done my BUN is 33 and creatinine is 1.7. I am new to this. I am not sure what this means. I see the doctor in a week.

Comment from: Linda, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: July 26

I have a creatinine reading of 500 and my legs are aching. I don’t know what this means. I am waiting for a hospital appointment.

Comment from: DILIP S, 55-64 Male (Patient) Published: May 29

Today I had a blood test and found my creatinine is 1.4.

Comment from: Jt, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: April 30

My BUN/creatinine ratio is 28.8. Not sure if I should be concerned.

Comment from: Sanjay , 45-54 Male (Patient) Published: June 13

My creatinine serum levels is 1.17 mg/ DL.

Comment from: Tshenolo , 7-12 Male (Caregiver) Published: June 07

My son is 12, his creatinine is 65 and urate is 41.

Comment from: BASHEER , 65-74 Male (Patient) Published: May 16

My creatine level is 1.78. I am a diabetic patient taking insulin daily. I am 65.

Comment from: Creatinne, 0-2 Male (Caregiver) Published: May 15

我是一个59岁的男性。我的肌酸是1.4,尿素15, sugar 118 fasting, total cholesterol 207 and uric acid 6.8.

Comment from: JOE SKULSKY, 75 or over Male (Patient) Published: March 19

I am 79 years old and my creatinine levels are at about 910 to 950. I am now on dialysis for the last 4 years.

Comment from: Nadeem, 25-34 Male (Caregiver) Published: May 23

My mother has recently been tested for creatinine, her level of the same test is 4.58 mg/dl although normal range for creatinine is 0.5 to 0.9.

Comment from: rose carty, 75 or over Female (Patient) Published: March 01

I am wondering why I have to have urine test for creatinine every 3 months.

Comment from: PRIMITIVA, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: October 04

My creatinine level is 7 and I don't know to cure it.

Comment from: Cindy, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: September 08

I had blood work done and my creatinine level was 0.46, which is low.

Comment from: AMIT, 55-64 Male (Patient) Published: May 24

My spot Urine microalbumin is 684, creatinine in urine is 62.16, and albumin creatinine ratio is 1100.39.

Comment from: safura, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: May 17

My creatinine levels are at 5.2.

Comment from: Surendra Lal Sud, 75 or over Male (Patient) Published: March 31

My creatinine has gone up from 1.4 in June 2015 to 1.46 in January 2016 and now it is 1.56.

Comment from: Md. Nesar U. M., 35-44 Male (Caregiver) Published: November 11

Creatinine level result was 10.60. I had no dialysis, it was solved with medicines.

Comment from: Al, 65-74 Male (Patient) Published: April 09

I just had CT Scans and then an MRI and contrast dye to eyeball my brain. I had lab work prior to the MRI and my creatinine was 0.70 (0.67-1.17 mg/dl) (kidney function).

Comment from: Miniatus, 55-64 Male (Patient) Published: August 05

Yesterday I went to see the eye, nose and throat specialist because I'm always choking. Well anyway he sent me for a creatinine blood test and I don't know why.

Comment from: suzz12095, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: February 26

My health care professional wanted to check my creatinine levels because they were higher than the last time.

Comment from: Kentucky Girl, 35-44 Female (Patient) Published: June 12

I am a Female 43, I just got my Blood test back and my Creatinine level was 0.54 and my Hemoglobin was 10.2,Hematocrit was 33.1 and MCH was 25.6 and MCHC was 30.8 the paper said they were all low should i be concerned?

Comment from: sk, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: May 29

My urea was normal, and my creatinine was 1.1 (normal range shown was 0.5-0.8). Since I have high blood pressure and was on medication (Diovan), it went up considerably two weeks ago – 160/110 – so I doubled the dose. My doctor said that after blood test I need to get abdominal scan. I’m still waiting for insurance approval.

Comment from: Danik, 3-6 Female (Patient) Published: April 24

My son is 5 years old, and has creatinine as low as 37. The doctor says its fine, but I don't think so. I need the help of another doctor.

Comment from: magros2, 35-44 Female (Patient) Published: April 11

我捐赠的肾脏几乎3是我的双胞胎兄弟rs ago. I make it a point to have kidney function tested at least every 6-9 mos. on my most recent renal panel, the numbers for creatinine, serum for slightly elevated. It was 1.11. My physician referred me to a specialist for further tests. I’m really worried, because my remaining kidney also doesn’t seem to be filtering as it should. The doctor said normal is 56, and my test show 59. Just wondering if this is something of concern, or if it’s just because I have only one kidney. My previous labs have never shown any issues, so now that they did; it’s a concern to me.

Comment from:[email protected], 75 or over Male (Patient) Published: April 05

Today, my doctor reported that my count was 4+. He said I should be ready for dialysis.

Comment from: Tas, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: August 18

I have lupus nephritis, and I just had my bi-annual checkup. My creatinine is 1.8, and my doctor is thrilled. I have lost 30 pounds in nine months, and I have been exercising regularly. I am totally free of any lupus symptoms, and even my hair has grown back! I feel great!

Comment from: Beatrice, 45-54 (Patient) Published: May 31

My creatinine has been slightly above normal now for 6 mos. I also had significant SOB, which the doctors contributed to asthma, and severe edema in BLE, hands, face and under eyes. My sister had a kidney tumor and is now functioning with one kidney and has diabetes. The doctors say I am pre-diabetic also and am controlling that via diet. All these symptoms together over a relevant period of time lead to glomular nephritis, not good. I go for renal vascular Doppler studies tomorrow. Please pray for me.

Comment from: Mrshonesty, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: May 31

I just had an ER visit due to a fainting spell thought to be caused by heat exhaustion. While the hospital ran blood work they found my creatinine level to be 1.99 and the doctor became concerned. Especially since I have been having several if these episodes lately! I was told to have another blood test next day (today). Just wondering what this level could mean and can it happen just because of dehydration? I have also been having major nausea and severe itching.

Comment from: David, 65-74 Male (Patient) Published: May 24

As a result of a blood test, my Doctor advised the reading is 1.7, where as a normal reading would more likely be 2.0. He said it is not a cause for great concern, but I should monitor the level every six months. Whilst I understand what he said, I cannot find any indicators of the numbers he is quoting.

Comment from: Curt, 75 or over Male (Patient) Published: May 23

My creatinine level has risen in last 6 months from 1.3 to 1.6 nd bun level from 33.0 to 42.8.

Comment from: Roy, 65-74 Male (Patient) Published: May 20

I am 68 year old male with heart failure. I have just had a blood test, previous creatinine levels have been 140-150 the most recent test gave a level of 169 I have been taking double the amount of furosomide for the last couple of weeks for breathing problems which I associated with water retention The G.P. has reduced the amount of furosomide by half to 40mg. I will have another blood test done shortly and have been told that the reason for the increased level is due to the heart and the kidneys fighting to balance out my system.

Comment from: KSutton313, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: May 17

I'm female, with a creatinine level of 1.1. I'm severely dehydrated, and have started drinking plenty of water. I have some cramps in my legs. My energy level is low, there is some ringing in my ears at times, and I have a salty taste in my mouth. I just started taking magnesium for the cramps, but have no idea if drinking more water and taking magnesium will relieve these symptoms.

Comment from: kathy, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: April 20

I just went to doctor this week and was just called and told that my creatanine level was high. I was not told numbers (said they could not give out numbers). They told me not to take any pain medications and if needed only take a Tylenol about once a week. I am very concerned about this because I have never had any problems and I am very worried about kidney failure, etc.

Comment from: Jenny 2010, 65-74 Female (Patient) Published: April 12

First Creatinine level was 1.05 three months ago. I had been taking Mobic for a long time. Second creatinine blood levels 1.22. 5 days ago. Advised not to take any analgesic except Tylenol. No problems with creatinine levels ever. Last medication added was Solodyn 65 mg for Adult Acne.

Comment from: Hanley, 65-74 Female (Patient) Published: March 23

I just had a blood test done and my Creatinine Ratio is 31 and flagged as HIGH. The normal levels in this report are 11 - 26. My Doctor did not say anyhting about this but I had requested a copy of the Lab report for my records and this is how I found out.

Comment from: june, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: March 22

My doctor has informed me that my creatinine blood levels are abnormally high and have been high for some time. However I have constantly stayed at this high level for more than 3 years. They have no peaks and stay high.

Comment from: JN, 55-64 Male (Patient) Published: February 24

I'm 57, male, have diabetics and cholesterol for the past 7 years. I've been taking 200mg cap of FENOFIBRATE for the past 5 months to lower my LDC-L. In the recent blood test, it lowered my LDC-L from 3.04 to 2.39 mmol/L but my Creatinine level increases from 115 umoI/L to 130.

Comment from: aleo, 65-74 Male Published: February 24

Creatinine level is 118. I jogged 140 miles in 30 days before the test.

Comment from: Kathie, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: December 16

I donated a kidney to a friend in 8/09. Since then, my creatinine has ranged from 1.3 to 1.9 at my annual visit. Meanwhile, my recipient's CR has been steady at 1.2. I regularly workout with weights and do intense spin classes. The nephrologists believed the elevated CR was due to these factors. He ordered a Glo-Fil test as a more accurate measure of my kidney's function. The good news is that my result was 66, down from 90 prior to nephrectomy, but normal for someone of my size and age with one kidney. My advice to everyone is to drink lots of water. It's the best thing you can do for kidney health.

Published: November 19

At age 42 I have lifted weights since the age of 15, and have eaten high levels of protein for muscle synthesis and reduced catabolism. I think these factors are making the blood creatine high.

Comment from: KAS, 25-34 Female (Patient) Published: November 17

I am a 25 years old woman and I am 20 weeks pregnant. I really want this baby however my creatinine is 502 at present. The only option given to me is a TOP (Termination of Pregnancy). I need some advice regarding my option as I am very young and might opt for early transplant instead of dialysis after.

Comment from: Annie102, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: August 25

While being tested as a possible kidney donor, I was told my GFR was 67 and my kidneys were not functioning properly. After consulting with a nephrologist and urologist, I have been told there is nothing wrong with my kidneys and I am a borderline candidate to be a donor with less than 1% chance of ever having kidney problems until I'm in my late 90s. Needless to say, the first diagnosis caused immeasurable stress to both me and the potential kidney recipient. All of this occurred because the GFR was not properly done. Please seek additional consultations if you receive an erroneous diagnosis like I did. You will at least have peace of mind knowing whether or not the first diagnosis was correct.

Comment from: LadySilverFox, 65-74 Female (Patient) Published: August 16

I've had two blood tests in the last six weeks, the 2nd for a second opinion (different lab, different Dr.). First test (non-fasting) returned 1.20 mg/dL creatinine, serum (and 45 mL eGFR)which was noted as abnormal, possible CKD. The second (fasting) returned 1.11 mg/dL creatinine (and 49 mL eGFR). That lab said up to 1.18 mL/dL was OK; only the eGFR was noted as out of range. The second doctor said the overall results were normal. I'm not convinced. Something about all of this does not ring true. As far as I know, I've never had either one out of range before.

Comment from: 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: August 06

I had a physical done and my creatine level was more than normal. I workout quite a bit and although still not in the best of shape, my doctor said it was due to the massive amounts of muscle I have for a woman. I'm concerned though of course as I have low IGA and my bone marrow produces more of 1 white blood cell than another. I am leaning towards having more testing done and hoping to find out that the doctor is right.

Comment from: Muhammad, 65-74 Male (Caregiver) Published: May 26

My Father recently consulted doctor. He initially had problems like urine passes every now and then and fever. He gets fever in the early night and cures by mid night. Doctors are unable to conclude as one doc says something to with bladder and other says something to do with kidney, but anyhow he had a biopsy and report says that the level of creatinine is more than normal.

Comment from: EducatedConsumer, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: February 03

A combination of a statin drug to reduce cholesterol and diltiazem (Cartia XT) for hyptertension caused a rise in my creatinine levels. Since I have polycystic kidney disease (PKD) and the level of creatinine in the blood is a major indicator of kidney function, this was cause for concern. Check with your pharmacist for possible drug interactions every time you get a new prescription.
