Costochondritis: Symptoms & Signs

Medically Reviewed on3/16/2021

Costochondritisis a localized inflammation of the area where the rib bones attach to the cartilage of the breastbone (sternum).

的症状和体征costochondritisinclude localizedchest painand tenderness that is worsened when the area is felt. Thepainmay be sharp or aching. Deepbreathing,coughing, and movement may all worsen thepain.

Causes of costochondritis

In most cases, the underlying cause of the inflammation is unknown. In other cases, the inflammation may be related to bacterial or viral infections,fibromyalgia,reactive arthritis, or overuse injury.Pregnancyalso may lead to costochondritis in some women due to stretching of the rib cage. Some people with the condition describe a recent illness with excessive coughing or physical exertion.

Other costochondritis symptoms and signs

  • LocalizedChest Pain
  • Pain That Worsens with Coughing, Deep Breathing, or Movement
  • Sharp or Aching Pain
  • Tenderness That Worsens When Touching the Area


The termarthritisrefers to stiffness in the joints.See Answer

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Jameson, J. Larry, et al.Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 20th Ed.New York: McGraw-Hill Education, 2018.