什么is dexamethasone, and how does it work (mechanism of action)?

Dexamethasone is a synthetic (man-made)corticosteroid.Corticosteroidsare naturally-occurring chemicals produced by the adrenal glands located above the kidneys. Corticosteroids affect the function of many cells within the body and suppress the immune system. Corticosteroids also block inflammation and are used in a wide variety of inflammatory diseases affecting many organs. The FDA approved dexamethasone in October 1958.

什么brand names are available for dexamethasone?


Is dexamethasone available as a generic drug?


Do I need a prescription for dexamethasone?


什么are the uses for dexamethasone?

A major UK study of almost 7,000 patients released in June 2020 made dexamethasone the standard of care forCOVID-19patients with symptoms severe enough to need oxygen. Researchers showed dexamethasone can save the life of one in eight patients on ventilators and one in 25 patients on supplemental oxygen (not intubated), according to Medscape Medical Reference.

Dexamethasone is used for reducing inflammation in many conditions. Some examples include:

Severeallergicconditions that fail to respond to other treatments also may respond to dexamethasone. Examples include:

时间icskin conditionstreated with dexamethasone include:

时间ic allergic and inflammatory conditions of the uvea,iris,conjunctiva, and optic nerves of the eyes also are treated with dexamethasone.

Dexamethasone is used in the treatment ofcancersof the white blood cells (leukemias), and lymph gland cancers (lymphomas). Blood diseases involving destruction by the body's own immune system of platelets are also treated with dexamethasone, disease likeidiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, andred blood cells(autoimmune hemolytic贫血. Other miscellaneous conditions treated with dexamethasone includethyroiditisandsarcoidosis.

Finally, dexamethasone is used as replacement therapy in patients whose adrenal glands are unable to produce sufficient amounts of corticosteroids.

Many of the medical problems treated by this drug are “off label”; that is, its use is not sanctioned or approved by the FDA.

什么are the side effects of dexamethasone?

Side effects of dexamethasone depend on the dose, the duration, and the frequency of administration. Short courses of dexamethasone usually are well tolerated with few and mild side effects. Long term, high dose dexamethasone usually will produce predictable and potentially serious side effects. Whenever possible, the lowest effective dose of dexamethasone should be used for the shortest possible length of time to minimize side effects. Alternate day dosing also can help reduce side effects.

Side effects of dexamethasone and other corticosteroids range from mild annoyances to serious irreversible damage. Side effects include:

Other side effects include:

  • irregular menses,
  • growth retardation in children,
  • convulsions, and
  • psychic disturbances.

Psychic disturbances include:

Prolonged use of dexamethasone can depress the ability of the body's adrenal glands to produce corticosteroids. Abruptly stopping dexamethasone in these individuals can cause symptoms of corticosteroid insufficiency, with accompanyingnausea,vomiting, and evenshock. Therefore, withdrawal of dexamethasone usually is accomplished by gradually reducing the dose. Gradually tapering dexamethasone not only minimizes the symptoms of corticosteroid insufficiency but also reduces the risk of an abrupt flare of the disease under treatment.

Dexamethasone and other corticosteroids can mask signs of infection and impair the body's natural immune response that is important in fighting infection. Patients on corticosteroids are more susceptible to infections and can develop more serious infections than individuals not receiving corticosteroids. For example,chickenpoxandmeaslesvirusescan produce serious and even fatal illnesses in patients on high doses of dexamethasone. Live virusvaccines, such as thesmallpox vaccine, should be avoided in patients taking high doses of dexamethasone, since evenvaccineviruses may cause disease in these patients. Some infectious diseases, such astuberculosis(TB) andmalaria, can remain dormant in a patient for years. Dexamethasone and other corticosteroids can reactivate dormant infections. Patients with dormanttuberculosismay require treatment of theTBwhile undergoing corticosteroid treatment.

By interfering with the patient's immune response, dexamethasone can impede the effectiveness ofvaccinations. Dexamethasone can also interfere with the tuberculin (TB) skin test and cause falsely negative results in patients with dormant tuberculosis infection.

Dexamethasone impairs calcium absorption and new bone formation. Patients on prolonged treatment with dexamethasone and other corticosteroids can developosteoporosisand an increased risk of bonefractures. Supplemental calcium andvitamin Dare encouraged to slow this process of bone thinning. It has been demonstrated in some groups of patients treated with steroids that the loss of bone may be prevented by treatment with bisphosphonatedrugs, for example,alendronate(Fosamax).

In rare individuals, the destruction of large joints can occur while undergoing treatment with dexamethasone or other corticosteroids. These patients experience severepainin the involved joints and can require joint replacements. The reason behind such destruction is not clear.


什么Is Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)? Symptoms, Treatment, DiagnosisSee Slideshow

什么is the dosage for dexamethasone?

Dosage requirements of corticosteroids vary greatly among individuals and the diseases being treated. In general, the lowest possible effective dose is used. The initial oral dose is 0.75 mg to 9 mg daily depending on the disease. The initial dose should be adjusted based on response. Corticosteroids given in multiple doses (2 to 4 times daily) throughout the day are more effective but also are more toxic as compared with the same total daily dose given once daily, or every other day.

Which drugs or supplements interact with dexamethasone?

Corticosteroids may increase or decrease the effect of blood thinners, for example,warfarin(Coumadin). Blood clotting should be monitored and the dose of blood thinner adjusted in order to achieve the desired level of blood thinning when patients receiving blood thinners are begun on corticosteroids, including dexamethasone.

Phenobarbital,ephedrine,phenytoin(Dilantin), and rifampin (Rifadin,Rimactane) may increase the breakdown of corticosteroids by theliver, resulting in lower blood levels and reduced effects. Therefore, the dose of corticosteroid may need to be increased if treatment with any of these agents is begun.

Mifepristonemay reduce the action of corticosteroids via unknown mechanisms. Dexamethasone may decrease blood levels of mifepristone. Mifepristone should not be combined with steroids.

Is dexamethasone safe to take if I'm pregnant or breastfeeding?

INFORMATION Use of dexamethasone inpregnantwomen has not been adequately studied. When corticosteroids are given systemically (orally, intramuscularly, or intravenously) to pregnant animals fetal abnormalities occurred.

Dexamethasone has not been adequately evaluated innursingmothers. Corticosteroids appear inbreast milkand may cause side effects in infants.


什么preparations of dexamethasone-decadron-dexpak are available?

Tablets: 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.5, 2, 4, and 6 mg. Elixir/Solution: 0.5 mg /5 mL. Oral Concentrate: 1 mg/ml and for injection (IV, IM, intra-articular, intralesional or into tissue), 4mg/ml and 10mg/ml.

How should I keep dexamethasone-decadron-dexpak stored?

Dexamethasone should be stored at 20 C - 25 C (68 F - 77 F) and not frozen.


The termarthritisrefers to stiffness in the joints.See Answer


Dexamethasone oral (Decadron, DexPak) is a steroid prescribed to reduce inflammation in many conditions like Crohn's and rheumatoid arthritis. In June of 2020, a large UK study of COVID-19 patients showed the steroid had significant lifesaving effects on coronavirus-infected people with respiratory symptoms so severe they needed oxygen or ventilators. Dexamethasone is also prescribed to treat severe allergic conditions bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis, drug-induced dermatitis, contact, and atopic dermatitis. Dexamethasone is also used to treat chronic skin conditions as well as for the treatment of cancers of the white blood cells, lymph gland cancers, and blood diseases. It is also prescribed to treat conditions such as thyroiditis and sarcoidosis.

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