Facts you should know about encephalitis

Picture of Encephalitis (Inflammation of the Brain)
Picture of encephalitis (inflammation of the brain)
  • Encephalitisis inflammation of the brain.
  • Bacteria orviruses, and rarely a fungus, or be noninfectious in origin can cause encephalitis.
  • Symptoms of encephalitisincludefeverandheadache, in addition to lethargy andconfusion.
  • Health care professionals make a diagnosis of encephalitis by performing aspinal tapto examine the cerebral spinal fluid. ACT scanorMRIof the brain may also be of use.
  • The underlying cause of the encephalitis determines the treatment. If bacteria cause the encephalitis, then a doctor will prescribe antibiotics.
  • Anyone experiencingencephalitis symptomsshould seek medical treatment immediately.
  • Close contacts can contract encephalitis also and will need medical evaluation.

Encephalitis Symptoms & Signs


A seizure is the uncontrolled electrical activity in the brain, which may produce a physical convulsion, minor physical signs, thought disturbances, or a combination of symptoms.

The type of symptoms and seizures depend on where the abnormal electrical activity takes place in the brain, what its cause is, and such factors as the patient's age and general state of health.

Seizures can be caused by head injuries, brain tumors, lead poisoning, maldevelopment of the brain, genetic and infectious illnesses, and fevers. In fully half of the patients with seizures, no cause can yet be found.

What is encephalitis?

Encephalitis is brain inflammation.

What causes encephalitis?

  • Encephalitis is a rare condition that is most often caused byviruses(viral encephalitis).
  • It can also be caused by noninfectious diseases, such assystemic lupus erythematosusandBehçet's disease(an autoimmune disorder).
  • The leading cause of severe encephalitis is theherpessimplex virus.
  • Other causes includeenterovirusinfections or mosquito-borne viruses.
    • Eastern equine encephalitis (EEE),
    • Western equine encephalitis (WEE),
    • 委内瑞拉马脑炎(VEE),
    • Japanese encephalitis, and
    • Zika virus.
  • The very young and the elderly are more likely to have more severe encephalitis.

Exposure to viruses can occur throughbreathingin respiratory droplets from infected people, certaininsect bites, and direct skin contact.

What are the risk factors for encephalitis?

Patients with suppressed immune systems (due to medications or diseases) have an increased risk for encephalitis.


EncephalitisSee pictures of Bacterial Skin ConditionsSee Images

Is encephalitis contagious?

Infectious forms of encephalitis arecontagious. Viral and many bacterial forms of encephalitis arecontagious. Several forms of bacterial encephalitis can be spread by respiratory and throat excretions. Encephalitis can also be caused by an infection in the body that spreads to the brain. Noninfectious encephalitis, such as from diseasessystemic lupus erythematosusand Behçet's disease, are not contagious.

What are encephalitissymptomsand signs?

The signs and symptoms of encephalitis can range from very mildflu-like symptomsto potentially life-threatening events. Signs and symptoms of encephalitis include

任何人经历脑炎的症状应该d see a doctor immediately.

What specialties of doctors treat encephalitis?

People with encephalitis usually need treatment in the hospital. A family practice or general internal-medicine physician or an infectious-disease specialist will usually treat someone with encephalitis.

How do health care professionalsdiagnoseencephalitis?

A health care professional diagnoses encephalitis after performing a thorough history and exam. The exam will incorporate special techniques to look for signs of inflammation of the membranes that surround the spinal cord and brain (meninges). The doctor will order specific tests to help determine the diagnosis.

Tests that evaluate individuals suspected of having encephalitis include cerebrospinal fluid analysis, brain scanning (such asCT scanorMRIscan), and an evaluation of the blood for infection and the presence of bacteria.

The most common method of obtaining a sample of cerebrospinal fluid (or CSF) for examination is aspinal tap. A spinal tap, orlumbar puncture(LP), involves the insertion of a needle into the fluid within the spinal canal. The needle goes between the spine's bony parts until it reaches the CSF. A medical professional then collects a small amount of fluid to send to the laboratory for exam. Evaluating the CSF is necessary for a definitive diagnosis of encephalitis and to decide on the best treatment options.

Abnormal spinal fluid results confirm the diagnosis and, in the event of an infection, by identifying the organism that caused the infection.


Bacterial Infections 101: Types, Symptoms, and TreatmentsSee Slideshow

What is thetreatmentof encephalitis?

People require urgent treatment with antibiotic and/or antiviral medications if a physician suspects that person has encephalitis. Patients may need to takesedativesfor irritability or restlessness. Doctors may administer other medications to decrease thefeveror treatheadaches.

Is it possible to prevent encephalitis? Is there an encephalitis vaccine?

Basic steps to avoid spread of infections (hand washing, covering mouth whencoughing, etc.) can help prevent encephalitis.

Somevaccinations细菌或viral diseases can help prevent encephalitis.

What is the prognosis for patients with encephalitis? What are complications of encephalitis?

The prognosis for encephalitis varies. Some cases are benign and patients recover fully. Other cases are severe. The type of infection present and how quickly treatment starts determine the prognosis. The acute phase of encephalitis may last for one to two weeks, with gradual or sudden resolution offeverand neurological symptoms. Neurological symptoms may require many months before full recovery occurs. Some patients will not fully recover.

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Medically Reviewed on7/26/2021
United States. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. "2012 Recommended Immunizations for Children From 7 Through 18 Years Old." February 2021. .

United States. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. "Vaccines & Immunizations." Feb. 16, 2021. .

United States. National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, National Institutes of Health. "Meningitis and Encephalitis Fact Sheet." Mar. 16, 2020. .