What is etidronate, and how does it work (mechanism of action)?

What brand names are available for etidronate?


Is etidronate available as a generic drug?




What are the uses for etidronate?

Etidronate is a medication prescribed for the treatment of Paget's disease and preventing heterotopic ossification (abnormal bone growth). Off-label uses include the treatment ofhypercalcemiacancer, andpreventionofpostmenopausalosteoporosisand steroid-inducedosteoporosis.

What are the side effects of etidronate?

Seek emergency medical attention if you have signs of anallergic reaction, which include:

Stop using etidronate and call your doctor immediately if you experience the following:

  • severepainin your joints, bones, or muscles,
  • jaw pain, numbness, or swelling,
  • severediarrhea,
  • muscle spasmsor contractions, and
  • numbness or tingly feeling around your mouth, or in your fingers and toes.

Common side effects include:

This is not a complete list of side effects, as others may occur. Talk to your doctor for medical advice about side effects.

What is the dosage for etidronate?

  • The recommended dose for treating adults with Paget's disease is 5-10 mg/kg daily for up to 6 months or 11 to 20/mg/kg daily for up to 3 months. The maximum dose is 20 mg/kg daily.
  • The dose for preventing heterotopic ossification afterhip replacementis 20 mg/kg daily one month before and for 3 months after surgery.
  • For prevention of heterotopic ossification afterspinal cord injurythe dose is 20 mg/kg daily for 2 weeks then 10 mg/kg daily for 10 weeks.

Food (especially, calcium rich foods such as dairy products), antacids,vitaminswith mineralsupplements, and certain medications can interfere with the absorption of etidronate. Therefore, etidronate should be taken on an empty stomach 2 hours before or after eating or taking other medications.


另一个医学术语是什么for osteoporosis?See Answer

What drugs or supplements interact with etidronate?

Avoid taking any other medicines for at least 2 hours after taking etidronate. This includesvitamins, calcium, and antacids. Some medicines can make it harder for your body to absorb etidronate.

Tell your doctor about all your current medicines and any you start or stop using, especially a blood thinner likewarfarin(Coumadin,Jantoven).

This list is not complete. Other drugs may interact with etidronate, including prescription andover-the-countermedicines, vitamins, and herbal products. Not all possible interactions are listed here.

Your doctor or pharmacist can provide more information about etidronate.

Is etidronate safe to take if I'm pregnant or breastfeeding?

  • The safety and effectiveness of etidronate has not been established inpregnantwomen.
  • The safety and effectiveness of etidronate has not been established innursingmothers.


Etidronate (Didronel)是一个药物处方for the treatment of Paget's disease and preventing heterotopic ossification. Off-label uses include the treatment of hypercalcemia associated with cancer, prevention of postmenopausal osteoporosis and steroid-induced osteoporosis. Review side effects, drug interactions, warnings and precautions, and pregnancy and breastfeeding safety information prior to taking any medication.

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