GERD Best treatment for Barrett Esophagus?


Topic:Irritable Bowel Syndrome(IBS), June 2000

Dr. Lee:
What is the best treatment forBarrett esophagus?

Dr. Marks:
Barrettesophagusis a condition of the lower esophagus in which long-standingacid refluxcauses changes in the cells lining the esophagus which can progress tocancer. Fortunately, it occurs in less than 5% of patients withGERD.

The treatment of Barrett esophagus is similar to the treatment ofGERDin general. However, the difference is that acid suppression should be maximized by using higher doses of medication or more than one drug, if necessary. Some gastroenterologists feel that the effectiveness of acid suppression and the need for changes in doses of medication should be determined by measuring the acid reflux in the esophagus. If acid still is refluxing on medication then the medication must be changed.

Because of the risk of developingesophageal cancer, patients with Barrett esophagus also should undergo regular endoscopies (EGD) with biopsy of the esophagus to detect early the changes that lead tocancer.

Dr. Lee:
Please also refer to our Barrett esophagus article to learn about procedures to destroy theprecancerouslining of the esophagus before these cells start to transform intocancer.

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