Hemophilia: Symptoms & Signs

Medically Reviewed on9/10/2019

Hemophiliais a group ofinheritedbleeding disorders.

The signs and symptoms of hemophilia vary in severity among affected people. Associated symptoms and signs can include excessive bleeding in many different body sites. The bleeding is difficult to control due to poor blood clotting and is therefore excessive given the extent of damage or injury. Common sites for bleeding are the joints, muscles, and gastrointestinal tract. Joint damage is a characteristic finding in many people with hemophilia due to repeated bleeding into a joint.

Causes of hemophilia

A genetic mutation inherited in an X-linked recessive genetic pattern causes hemophilia. This means that males are commonly affected while females usually are carriers of the disease. The cause ofhemophilia Ais a deficiency of clotting factor VIII. A deficiency of factor IX causeshemophilia B(also known as Christmas disease).

Other hemophilia symptoms and signs


Sickle cell disease is named after a farming tool.See Answer

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Kasper, D.L., et al., eds.哈里森的内部原理edicine, 19th Ed. United States: McGraw-Hill Education, 2015.