Hepatitis C: Reasons for treating


Topic:Hepatitis C,June 2000

Dr. Lee:
Since most patients withHepatitis Cdo not have any symptoms, they feel fine, why treat patients withHepatitis Cinfections?

Dr. Edward Block:
Although mosthepatitisC patients feel fine, this is unfortunately a silent disease. And this is also a slowly progressive and chronic disease.

Probably well over 80% of people exposed tohepatitisC will develop chronicliver disease. Generally, complications related to chronicliverdisease will show up almost 20 years later. Complications of chronic liver disease might include severe scarring of the liver (known ascirrhosis), which unfortunately will develop in 20% of those infected. And, additionally, 4% of all people exposed will be at risk for developing HepatocellularCarcinoma(livercancer).

Chronicliver diseasefrom hepatitis C can progress to end- stage liver disease. Unfortunately, once you have reached end-stage liver disease, the only alternative is liver transplantation. Chronic hepatitis C infection is the leading referral for liver transplantation today in this country.

For these reasons, most doctors believe in initiating treatment that will, hopefully, eradicate the virus and prevent chronic progressive liver disease and related complications.

Dr. Lee:
Such complications ascirrhosisof the liver andliver cancer.

Dr. Edward Block:
Particularly cirrhosis of the liver and livercancer, yes, or end-stage liver disease.

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