Blood Pressure Questions to Ask Your Doctor

Blood Pressure Questions to Ask Your Doctor

Note:We recommend you use this page as a reference for your consultation with your doctor.

--- The MedicineNet Medical Editors

1.世界卫生大会t is a desirable官网地址bwinreading for me?

2. What can be causing myhigh blood pressure?

3.我能做些什么来降低我的吗high blood pressure?

4. How frequently should I have my blood pressure checked?

5. Can my blood pressure get too low?

6. Whatover-the-countermedications should I avoid?

7. What is the long-term safety of the blood pressure medication(s) you have prescribed for me?

8. What are the medication side effects?

9. If side effects occur, what should I do on my own? When should I contact you?

10. Can the other medications I am on adversely interact with the blood pressure medications you are prescribing for me?

MedicineNet Reminder:Establishing an accurate diagnosis is key to proper treatments. You are the most important person in this process by accurately describing to your doctor the character, location, duration, and time of onset of your symptoms. You should also inform your doctor aboutvitamins, herbs, and medications you are taking. For example, long-term use of certainvitaminsand non-prescription medications may be the cause of yourabnormal liver tests; magnesium-containing antacids andsupplementsmay be causing yourdiarrhea; certain blood pressure pills can be the reason for yourconstipation.

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