How Accurate Are Skin Biopsies?

Last Editorial Review: 6/30/2017

Ask the experts

I've been asked to have a facialskin biopsy为了有助于诊断SLE. Your article helped to understand about biopsies, but I would have liked to know how conclusive the test is or otherwise, as I don't want to have a core biopsy on my face unless there is a good reason.

Doctor's response

When persons with systemiclupushave involvement of the skin of the face, several skin abnormalities can occur. These include malar erythema (butterfly rash), discoidlupus, and subacute cutaneouslupus. A biopsy of the skin will show changes of the skin that are characteristic oflupusin a majority of patients. Therefore, in helping the doctor to diagnose lupus the skin biopsy can be very important, especially when other criteria for lupus are absent.

The biopsy findings in the skin will usually demonstrate inflammation in a particular level of the skin layers (between the dermis andepidermis). Moreover, if special antibody staining tests (immunoflourescent stains for immune deposits) are also performed (take three weeks for results), then antibodies can be noted to be deposited at the junction of the dermis and epidermis. The antibodies form a line of fluorescence when viewed under a microscope and this type of examination has been referred to as a "lupus band test." It is positive when performed in involved skin in greater than 90% of patients.

Interestingly, it is also positive in uninvolved sun-exposed skin in 70 to 80% of patients and in uninvolved non-sun-exposed skin in 50%. Therefore, in some settings doctors will do a biopsy of skin of the arm in an attempt to evaluate a facialrashof certain patients with lupus. When this test is abnormal (demonstrates antibodies deposited at the junction of the dermis and epidermis), skin disease from systemic lupus erthyematosus is felt to be present.

There is also some research that describes an increased risk for more serious forms of systemic lupus in those patients with an abnormal lupus band test.

In the proper setting, the results of a skin biopsy can directly influence the doctor's decision for optimal treatments.

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Medically reviewed by John A. Daller, MD; American Board of Surgery with subspecialty certification in surgical critical care


"Overview of the clinical manifestations of systemic lupus erythematosus in adults"