How Bad Is Type 1 Diabetes?

Last Editorial Review: 5/10/2018

Ask the experts

My son has just been diagnosed withtype 1 diabetesand I'm so worried for him. How bad is this disease? Istype 1 diabetesfatal? How long can you live withtype 1 diabetes?

Doctor’s Response

Research published in the Journal of the American Medical Association reported that people with type 1diabeteslive about 11 years less than average; however, new research also suggests this differential can be reduced with good glycemic control. Most people with type 1diabetesdie from complications of type 1diabetessuch as heart disease orkidney disease. Thus, preventing complications and following a healthy lifestyle that preventsheart diseaseand controls your bloodsugarare the best things people with type 1 diabetes can do to live a long, healthy life.

Uncontrolled bloodsugarcan lead to a number long-term complications associated with diabetes such as

如果你有1型或type 2 diabetesyou can prevent complications by maintaining a healthy low blood sugar, eating a healthydietrich in vegetables, and staying physically active.


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