How Do You Relieve a Stuffy Nose?

Medically Reviewed on9/1/2021
stuffiness nose
Relieving a stuffy nose may involve avoiding causative allergies, using nasal sprays, and taking medication to fight the flu and common cold.

A stuffy nose is a constant source of irritation and discomfort for children and adults. Stuffiness may be due tosinus infections,allergiesor other causes. Going further, you may have a stuffy nose only during a specific season or sometimes even all year round.

Here are a few tips to tackle a stuffy nose andnasal congestion.

  • Avoid the causative agent:
    • Seasonalallergies, certain perfumes, exposure to tobacco smoke ormoldcan cause nasal stuffiness,sneezingand watering. The best way to manage these is to avoid exposure.
    • If there is aflu流行,你可能想要观察safe distance from infected individuals. Use surgical or N95 masks that give you reasonable protection from inciting agents.
    • General measures such as not using wood-burning stoves and fireplaces for warming the room, proper upkeep of heater vents and avoiding strong scented cleaners and perfumes may help avoidallergic rhinitis(inflammation of the nostrils) orsinusitis.
  • Saline drops fornasal irrigation:
    • Saline sprays and drops are available over the counter and safe for adults and kids. These nasal sprays can be used two or more times per day to help relievecongestionand arunny nose.
  • Nasal irrigation:
    • Some individuals report a relief of symptoms when they perform nasal irrigation using syringes, neti pots or bottle sprayers.
    • Nasal irrigation kits available in the pharmacy may be used to clean sinuses and thus relieve nasal congestion.
    • Make sure you learn the procedure well because unsterile neti pots and using tap water for irrigation may result in life-threateningmeningitis.
  • Hydration:
    • Drink plenty of water, chicken broth or juices since these will help counteract the adverse events ofantihistamines, such as adry mouthand throat.
    • Drinking warm fluids promotes sinus drainage and soothes the throat. Fluids such as bone broth, clear soups and chicken soups can help make you feel better.
  • Humidifiers:
    • One of the best ways to help with a stuffy nose is to use warm mist humidifiers that moisten the air, sinuscavitiesand oral passages and help relieve symptoms.
    • These require regular cleaning and maintenance. For safety reasons, prefer using a cool-mist humidifier if there are children in the house.
  • Application of warm facial compresses:
    • Drape a warm towel over your head and breathe in steam from a bowl of hot water directed toward your face. Or, take a hot shower to help easepainandmucusdrainage.
  • Sleepwith your head elevated:
    • This helps drain your sinuses and facilitate reducing congestion. In addition, piling pillows under your neck as yousleepmay relieve a stuffy nose.
  • Medications:
    • Antihistamines, decongestants, steroid sprays and nasal sprays containing oxymetazoline may help withrhinitissymptoms. In some cases, oral medication may be needed. Rarely, a surgeon may advise surgery (in case of a severely deviated nasal septum or polyps).

What causes a stuffy nose?

Causes of a stuffy nose may include:

  • Allergicrhinitis:It may be triggered by exposure to indoor or outdoor allergens, such as dust mites, dander andpollen.
  • Nasal polyps:These may be single or multiple and may be due to long-termallergies, drug sensitivities,asthmaor immune reactions.
  • Deviated nasal septum:A deviated nasal septum may be present from birth, due to an injury or from a surgical procedure and may cause repeated episodes of a stuffy nose.
  • Upper respiratory tract infection:Seasonal flu, chronicsinusitisand thecommon coldcan cause a runny nose and inflammation of the nasal passages, along with a productivecough(coughwith mucus) and mildfever.
  • Occupational rhinitis:Due to exposure to a potentialallergenat the workplace, individuals in certain professions, such as baking, livestock breeding, farming, working at construction sites and working in drug manufacturing plants, may develop workplace allergies.
  • Continuous positiveairwaypressure (CPAP) rhinitis:Individuals who use CPAP machines for the management of obstructivesleep apneaoften develop nasal stuffiness.
  • Rhinitis medicamentosa:Overuse of xylometazoline and oxymetazoline nasal sprays to treat stuffiness may cause constant and rebound nasal congestion.
  • Medication-induced rhinitis:Birth control pillscontaining estrogen andprogesterone, antihypertensive medications such as angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitors (ACEI), diuretics,erectile dysfunctiondrugsand certain classes ofantidepressantscause stuffiness in the nose.
  • Rhinitis ofpregnancy:Rhinitis associated withpregnancyis when apregnantwoman develops nasal congestion in the last months of pregnancy in absence of other signs of respiratory tract infection or allergies. This condition gets relieved on its own post the delivery.

Is a stuffy nose a sign of COVID-19?

COVID-19is a viral infection that primarily targets your respiratory passages andlungs. Runny nose, stuffiness of nasalcavity,fever,sore throatandfatigueare symptoms seen in the seasonalcoldandCOVID-19infection. While not every case of a stuffy nose points toCOVID-19, if you are not sure where the infection came from, you have been in contact with a person who tested positive for COVID-19 or you experience high fever along withshortness of breath, you should call your doctor to get tested the virus and start treatment if needed.

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Medically Reviewed on9/1/2021