The signs and symptoms of acute sinusitis usually last around 7-10 days
The signs and symptoms of acute sinusitis usually last around 7-10 days

The signs andsymptoms of acute sinusitisusually last around 7-10 days unless there are complications. With appropriate treatment, the symptoms may become more bearable, the recovery may be faster, and chronicsinusitiscan be prevented. The signs and symptoms of a chronicsinusitislast at least three months and longer. Patients may experience multiple flare-ups of acute sinusitis.

What is sinusitis?

Sinuses are air-filledcavitiesin the skull that surround the nose. They are present in the forehead, cheeks, and near the eyes. These are closed spaces in the skull with a small opening.Sinus infection(sinusitis) occurs when the opening gets blocked andmucusgets trapped in the sinuses and starts accumulating. This causesviruses, bacteria, or fungi to grow easily because of the moist and stagnant environment. This is also calledacute sinusitis.

Chronic sinusitisoccurs when the tissue lining and spaces get inflamed for three months or longer. Chronic sinusitis usually involves nasalairwayinflammation (rhinitis) as well. Hence, it is also calledchronic rhinosinusitis (CRS). Chronic sinusitis usually occurs as a result of recurrent episodes of acute sinusitis that haven’t been managed appropriately. CRS is typically noninfective and occurs mainly due toallergyor medical conditions such as cystic fibrosis, where mucus clearance is impaired. In CRS, normal mucus drainage is impaired, and there is inflammation and swelling of the tissues in the nose and sinuses causing nasal discharge and obstruction.

What are the signs and symptoms of acute sinusitis?

Symptoms of a sinus infection include:

What are the signs and symptoms of chronic sinusitis?

Common signs and symptoms of chronic sinusitis include:

  • Itchingof the nose
  • Thick white or yellowish-white (yellowish discharge indicates superimposed bacterial infection) discharge from the nose
  • Postnasal drip (constant drainage of the mucus through the back of the nose and down the throat) causing discomfort and throat irritation
  • Nasal obstruction (nose block) orcongestion
  • Pain, tenderness, and swelling around your eyes, cheeks, nose, or forehead
  • Reduced sense of smell and taste
  • Change in voice
  • Pain in the upper jaw andteeth, especially around the canines
  • Cough
  • Recurrent clearing of the throat
  • Recurrent episodes of asore throatbecause of mouthbreathingas a result of nose block and postnasal drip
  • Halitosis (Bad breath)
  • Disturbedsleep
  • Inability to concentrate
  • Fatigue


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How is acute sinusitis treated?

Treatment options include:

Medical treatment:

  • Over-the-counter药物如扑热息痛或ibuprofencan help relieve symptoms such as pain andfever.
  • Nasal decongestantsprays such as oxymetazoline can reduce swelling and congestion, relieving the nasal obstruction.
  • Antibiotics may be prescribed to get rid of the infection faster.

Supportive treatment:

  • Humidifiers to add moisture to the air that reduces dryness, softening the dried mucus
  • Nasal irrigation
  • Nasal irrigation with saline using products such as aneti potthat canflushout excess mucus, bacteria, and crusts, reducingnasal congestion
  • Steaminhalationthat can moisten the dried mucus and crusts, reducing nasal congestion
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  • Applying a warm compress over the face that can help reduce the pain and nasal congestion

How is chronic sinusitis treated?

Treatment options for chronic sinusitis include:

  • Corticosteroids:Corticosteroids may be prescribed in the form of local nasal sprays or oral medications or as injections. Steroids help to suppressallergy, reduce inflammation, and shrink tissue growth. Examples include fluticasone,mometasone, and beclomethasone.
  • Saline nasal irrigation:The nose may be irrigated with nasal sprays or solutions. This helps to clear the airway by flushing out mucus, crusts, and pollutants.
  • Aspirindesensitization treatment:Those who haveallergicreactions to aspirin causing sinusitis can be treated by administering increasing doses of aspirin under a doctor’s supervision until aspirin tolerance increases.
  • Antibiotics:Chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) is typically not infective. However, antibiotics may be used to treat secondarybacterial infections. The role of antibiotics is to get rid of a biofilm (a thin layer of fluid containing germs) that lines the sinus lining.
  • Immunotherapy:CRS be treated with immunotherapy. Dupilumab is one such drug that can help suppress the body's immune cells to reduce reaction to specific allergens.
  • Polyps:窦开口可能导致obstruc息肉tion of the sinuses. These need to be managed by medicines or surgery.
  • Surgery:An endoscopicsinus surgerymay be done in patients resistant to medical treatment or medication. An endoscope (a thin, tube with an attached light and camera) and surgical instruments and inserted into the nose to perform surgery under anesthesia.

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