Skin Changes: How to Spot Skin Cancer

Picture of skin cancerAccording to the American Academy of Dermatology, one in five Americans will develop some form of皮肤癌in their lifetime.Skin canceris the most common type ofcancerin the U.S. Sun exposure is the leading cause of皮肤癌, and people with fair skin and light eyes whose skin has a tendency toburneasily in the sun are most susceptible to the damaging effects of the sun's UV rays. Fortunately, most皮肤癌scan be detected in their early stages since skin tumors are more visible than tumors of the internal organs.

Types of skin cancer

Three types ofcancersaccount for virtually 100% of skin cancers. The nonmelanomatous skin cancers includebasal cell carcinomaandsquamous cell carcinoma.Malignant melanomais the third, and most deadly, type of皮肤癌.

Basal cell carcinoma symptoms and signs

Basal cell carcinomais by far the most common type of skincancer, accounting for 80% of cases. These slow-growing tumors occur most commonly on areas of the body that are exposed to the sun and may take several forms. A raised, reddish, pearly nodule is the most common appearance of basal cellcarcinoma, but it may also appear as a pink or redscaror area of irritated skin. Basal cell carcinomasmetastasize(spread via the bloodstream or lymphatic channels) very rarely; instead, they grow invasively into surrounding tissues and can cause localized tissue destruction when not completely removed.

Squamous cell carcinoma

Squamous cell carcinomais the second most common type of skincancer, representing about 16% of all skin cancers. As with basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma occurs most often in sun-exposed areas and in elderly people. Its appearance is similar to a chronic ulcerated area of the skin or a crusty or scaly skin lesion. Unlike basal cell carcinomas, squamous cell cancers metastasize to other parts of the body when they are not detected and removed at an early stage.

Melanoma symptoms and signs

The most dangerous skin cancer,melanoma, accounts for only about 1% or less of skin cancers, but it leads to the majority of deaths from skin cancer. This type of cancer often spreads to thelymph nodes和内部器官。而黑色素瘤variety of physical appearances, they are most often pigmented lesions greater than 0.6 mm (about the size of a pencil eraser) in diameter. They may show a range of colors and generally have an irregularly-shaped, asymmetrical border.Melanomacan be cured by surgical removal if detected before spread to other organs has occurred. About 95% of melanomas can be cured when the cancer is limited to the outermost layer of the skin, but the prognosis is poor when melanoma has spread to other parts of the body.


Self-examination is important in the detection of skin cancer.See Answer

Other forms of skin cancer

Other, rare types of skin cancer make up less that 1% of all skin malignancies. Examples of these rare tumors includePaget's diseaseof the skin,Merkel cell carcinoma, and cutaneouslymphoma.

Early detection is essential for successful treatment of skin cancers. You should consult your doctor if you have any suspicious skin changes or lesions including:

  • Molesthat have changed in appearance, bleed, or becomeitchy
  • Mewmolesor sores
  • Ulcers that do not heal
  • 传播的色素yond the borders of a mole or mark
  • Moles that have grown or exhibit unusual changes

Avoidance of sun exposure and use of appropriatesunscreenproducts with broad spectrum coverage are the best ways to prevent all forms of skin cancer.

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"Skin Cancer Facts." American Cancer Society. .

"Skin Cancer Facts." Skin Cancer Foundation. Feb. 2, 2017. .