Vascular, Lymphatic and Systemic Conditions

Picture of Erythema Nodosum

Picture of Erythema Nodosum

Erythema nodosumis a reaction pattern in the skin due to a bacterialstrep throatinfection or psittacosis,tuberculosis,sarcoidosis(inflammation of thelymph nodesor other organs),fungal infectionssuch ascoccidioidomycosisorhistoplasmosis,inflammatory bowel disease(Crohn's disease orulcerative colitis),cancer,pregnancy, or a hypersensitivity reaction todrugs这种抗生素包含penicillinsor sulfa,oral contraceptives, bromides or iodides. They eventually fade on their own without treatment and leaving behind a flat bruise.

Image Source: SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY / Science Source
Text Source: Johns Hopkins Medicine
National Library of Medicine