IT Band Syndrome: Symptoms & Signs

我dically Reviewed on10/21/2020

Iliotibial (IT) band syndrome is a type of injury to the knee.IT band syndromeoccurs most often in long-distance runners, bicyclists, and other athletes who repeatedly squat.

的症状和体征IT bandsyndrome includepainin the knee or leg that worsens with activity.Painon the side of the knee is the most common symptom. Other associated symptoms can include a

  • snapping sound in the knee,
  • a tingling sensation, or
  • thigh andhip pain.

Cause of iliotibial band (IT band) syndrome

Overuse of the膝关节causes IT band syndrome. Specifically, irritation and inflammation of theiliotibial band, a connective tissue structure that runs along the outside of the thigh, from the pelvis to the tibia, crossing both the hip and knee joints causes IT band syndrome. This structure is an important stabilizer for the side of the knee as the joint flexes and extends.

Other it band syndrome symptoms and signs

  • Hip Pain
  • Pain in the Leg or Knee That Worsens with Activity
  • Pain on the Side of the Knee
  • Snapping Sound in the Knee
  • Thigh Pain
  • Tingling Sensation


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Jameson, J. Larry, et al.Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 20th Ed.New York: McGraw-Hill Education, 2018.