Mania: Symptoms & Signs

Medically Reviewed on9/10/2019

Mania指的是一种异常升高的情绪状态。它是characterized by such symptoms as inappropriate elation, increased energy, irritability, severeinsomnia, rapid or loud speech, disconnected and racing thoughts,impulsivity, markedly increased energy and activity level, increased libido (sexual desire), poor judgment, and inappropriate social behavior. Grandiose thinking (believing that one has special ability or powers) is often associated with mania. Those suffering from mania also may jump from one topic to another in conversation.

Causes of mania

Mania is a characteristic feature ofbipolar disorder, sometimes referred to asbipolar depression. A person must have experienced at least onemanicepisode to be diagnosed withbipolar disorder. Major抑郁发作often alternate with manic episodes inbipolar disorder. The cause of bipolar disorder is not well understood, but both genetic and environmental factors are believed to be important.

Other mania symptoms and signs

  • Agitation
  • Appetite Changes
  • Decreased Need forSleep
  • 情绪高涨
  • 感觉Wired or Jumpy
  • Grandiose Thoughts
  • Impulsivity
  • Inappropriate Elation (Euphoria)
  • Inappropriate Social Behavior
  • Increased Energy
  • Increased Goal Directed Activity
  • Increased Libido (Sex Drive)
  • Indulging in High-Risk Behaviors
  • Insomnia
  • Loud Speech
  • Mood Changes
  • Poor Judgment
  • Pressured Speech
  • Problems With Concentration
  • Racing Thoughts
  • Rapid Speech
  • Restlessness
  • Tangential Speech


What Is Bipolar Disorder? Symptoms, Manic Episodes, TestingSee Slideshow

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United States. National Institutes of Health. National Institute of Mental Health. "Bipolar Disorder." November 2015. .