Meralgia Paresthetica: Symptoms & Signs

Medically Reviewed on11/1/2019

Meralgia parestheticais an entrapment (pinching) of the nerve (the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve) that supplies sensation to the outer portion of the thigh. Meralgia paresthetica is also known aslateral femoral cutaneous nerve syndrome.

Signs and symptoms of meralgia paresthetica include a sensation of tingling,pain, burning, or numbness in the distribution of the involved nerve, the outer part of the front of the thigh.

Symptoms may get worse whenwalkingor standing.

Causes of meralgia paresthetica

Conditions that increase pressure in the groin, which are often but not always due to an enlarged abdomen, cause meralgia paresthetica. Possible causes include

Other meralgia paresthetica symptoms and signs

  • Burning Sensation in the Outer Front Part of the Thigh
  • Numbness in the Outer Front Part of the Thigh
  • Painin the Outer Front Part of the Thigh
  • Tingling Sensation in the Outer Front Part of the Thigh


The abbreviated term ADHD denotes the condition commonly known as:See Answer

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Jameson, J. Larry, et al.Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 20th Ed.New York: McGraw-Hill Education, 2018.