Scalp, Hair and Nails

Picture of Alopecia Areata

Picture of Alopecia Areata Head and Beard

A commonhair losscondition,alopecia areata, usually starts as a single quarter-sized circle of perfectly smoothbaldness.Alopeciapatches often regrow in three to six months without treatment. Sometimes, hair regrows in white coloration. In another variant,alopecia areatacan produce two or three bald patches. When these grow back, they may be replaced by others. The most extensive form ofhair lossis called alopecia totalis, in which the entirescalpbecomes bald. It's important to emphasize that patients who have localizedhair lossgenerally don't lose hair throughout the scalp. Alopecia can affect hair on other parts of the body, too (for example, the beard).

Reviewed by William C. Shiel Jr., MD, FACP, FACR on May 4, 2010

Image Source: Images reprinted with permission from, 2010.

Text: MedicineNet - Hair Loss in Men and Women