Asacol vs. Humira

Asacol vs. Humira

What are Asacol and Humira?

Asacol (mesalamine) is an anti-inflammatory drug used to treatulcerative colitis, proctitis, and proctosigmoiditis, and is also used to prevent thesymptoms of ulcerative colitisfrom recurring.

Humira (adalimumab) is an injectable protein (antibody) used to treatrheumatoid arthritis,juvenile idiopathic arthritis,psoriatic arthritis,ankylosing spondylitis, and plaquepsoriasis.Humira is also used to treat ulcerativecolitis其他药物后,克罗恩病tried without successful treatment of symptoms.

What are the side effects of Asacol and Humira?


The most common side effects of mesalamine are:

Infrequent side effects include:

Kidney dysfunction has been associated with mesalamine. Kidney function should be evaluated prior to and periodically during mesalamine therapy.

Mesalamine may cause an acute intolerance syndrome that resembles a flare ofinflammatory bowel disease(Crohn's disease orulcerative colitis) with cramping,abdominal pain, andbloody diarrheaFever,headache,itching, andrashalso may occur. Symptoms usually subside once mesalamine is discontinued.

Mesalamine enemas contain sulfites and should be avoided in persons who are sensitive to sulfites.

Since mesalamine is related toaspirinin structure, individuals who areallergicto aspirin should not take mesalamine.


The most common side effects are:

Adalimumab may cause swelling, redness,painanditchingat the site of injection. Adalimumab suppresses the immune system and is therefore associated with minor infections of the urinary tract, respiratory tract, and sinuses. Like other drugs that block TNF, use of adalimumab also has been associated with serious infections such astuberculosis,sepsis(bacteria in the blood) andfungal infections.Individuals with active infections should not be treated with adalimumab.

Adalimumab also may worsen the symptoms of diseases of the nervous system. In studies some patients who used adalimumab or other TNF blocking drugs developedcancer.Since patients withrheumatoid arthritishave a higher rate ofcancersthan the general population, the connection betweencancerand use of adalimumab is unclear.

Other side effects of adalimumab include:

Adalimumab may increase the risk of reactivatinghepatitis Bvirus in chronic carriers of the virus.

What is the dosage of Asacol vs. Humira?


(see dosing instructions provided by manufacturer)

  • Lialda: 2.4-4.8 g once daily with food
  • Apriso: 1.5 g orally once daily
  • Pentasa: 1 g four times daily
  • Asacol HD: 1.6 g 3 times daily
  • Delzicol: 800 mg 3 times daily (has replaced Asacol; also available in extended release tablets)
  • Rowasa: One rectal application (4 g per 60 mL enema) once a day, preferably at bedtime, and retained for approximately 8 hours.
  • Canasa: One suppository (1,000 mg) daily at bedtime. The suppository should be retained in the rectum for one to three hours or more if possible to achieve maximum benefit.


Adalimumab is injected under the skin. The recommended dose forrheumatoid arthritis,ankylosing spondylitis, andpsoriatic arthritisis 40 mg every other week, but some patients may need weekly administration.

Crohn's disease is treated with 160 mg initially, followed by 80 mg two weeks later, then 40 mg every 2 weeks.

Juvenile idiopathic arthritisis treated with 20 or 40 mg every other week and plaquepsoriasisis treated with 80 mg followed by 40 mg every other week.

What drugs interact with Asacol and Humira?


Oral mesalamine formulations are associated with severaldrug interactions.Combining mesalamine with drugs that affect kidney function, for example,nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs(NSAIDs) oribuprofenmay increase the likelihood of reduced function of the kidneys. Concurrent use of mesalamine and 6-mercaptopurineorazathioprine(Imuran) may increase the likelihood of disorders of the blood cells, particularly reduced numbers of cells. Mesalamine may increase the blood thinning effect ofwarfarin(Coumadin).


Adalimumab is injected under the skin. The recommended dose forrheumatoid arthritis,ankylosing spondylitis, andpsoriatic arthritisis 40 mg every other week, but some patients may need weekly administration.

Crohn's disease is treated with 160 mg initially, followed by 80 mg two weeks later, then 40 mg every 2 weeks.

Juvenile idiopathic arthritisis treated with 20 or 40 mg every other week and plaquepsoriasisis treated with 80 mg followed by 40 mg every other week.

Are Asacol and Humira safe to take while pregnant or breastfeeding?


There are no adequate human studies of mesalamine duringpregnancy.Mesalamine is known to cross the placenta into the fetus, but animal studies revealed no evidence of harm to the fetus. Mesalamine should only be used duringpregnancyif it is felt that the benefit of its use justifies the unknown risks.

Mesalamine is excreted inbreast milk.Mesalamine should only be used bynursingmothers if it is felt that the benefit of its use justifies the potential but unknown risk to the infant.


Adalimumab has not been adequately studied inpregnantwomen.

Use of adalimumab bynursingmothers has not been adequately evaluated.


BothAsacol(mesalamine) andHumira(adalimumab) are used to treat different kinds ofinflammatory bowel diseases.抗也是一个通用anti-inflammatory used to treat other autoimmune conditions including:

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