Are There Any Positives to Tanning Beds?

Medically Reviewed on5/13/2022
Are there any positives to tanning beds?
Many think indoor tanning is safer than actual sun tanning. However, it is not.

There are no positives to tanning beds.

Tanning beds or indoor tanning may, to some extent, assist with the maintenance of hormonal balance. These advantages come from normal sun exposure.

Sun exposure or indoor tanning can likewisebring balance to the natural oils of the body, keeping your skin healthy, hydrated, and smooth.

Although there is not a lot of proof, it is often believed thatindoor tanning aids inweight loss. The UV rays can boost metabolism by triggering the thyroid gland to go into overdrive mode. Thus, your bodyburnsmore calories when your metabolism is boosted, causing weight reduction.

What is indoor tanning?

Tanning is the process of darkening the skin with sun exposure. Some find it so appealing that they opt for artificial methods to achieve a tan. Tanning beds are usually found in tanning salons, gyms, spas, lodgings, and sporting facilities and, rarely, in homes.

  • A sunbed or solarium is a horizontal, box-like tanning bed with a hinged cover and sunlamps that produce a fake tan by impersonating the sun's ultraviolet (UV)radiation(95 percent UVA and just 5 percent UVB).
  • Whenever you sit under a tanning bed or in a tanning booth, the lights stimulate the melanocytes to createmelanin, which appears as a dark pigment on theepidermis的皮肤。黑色素是由你body to shield you from additional sun exposure and give a glowing, golden color to your skin.

5 dangers of tanning beds

Many think indoor tanning is safer than actual sun tanning. However, it is not. Indoor tanning is known to have negative effects on health.

Some of the health problems associated with fake tanning include:

  1. Eye damage
    • Tanning beds might end up being harmful to sensitive parts of the body, such as the eyes. If you lie on the bed without covering your eyes, the rays might penetrate thecorneaand result incataracts. If not treated,cataractsmay result in permanentblindness.
  2. Sunburn
    • Sunburn, also called erythema, is one of the indications of over ultraviolet (UV) exposure and skin damage. Often marked by redness and peeling (usually after a couple of days), sunburn is short-term skin damage.
  3. Prematureaging
    • Sometimes alluded to as “photoaging,” prematureagingis the aftereffect of unprotected UV exposure, which is caused by the breakdown of collagen and elastin fibers in young and healthy skin. The skin appears rough and wrinkled and could develop dark spots.
  4. Skin cancer
    • Studies suggest that indoor tanning increases the risk of gettingskin cancer, so the U.S. Food and Drug Administration requires warning labels on all indoor tanning equipment.
    • According to research, most melanomas (the most severe form ofskin cancer) are assessed to be brought about by UV exposure.Melanomais the cause of most skin-relatedcancerdeaths.
  5. Immune system suppression
    • The World Health Organization (WHO) suggests that all individuals are vulnerable to the effects of immune suppression.
    • Overexposure to UV radiation might suppress and weaken the normal functioning of the body's immune system and the skin's natural defenses, increasing sensitivity to the sun, diminishing the effects of immunizations, or causing reactions to certain medications.


An average adult has about ________ square feet of skin.See Answer

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Medically Reviewed on5/13/2022
Image Source: Getty Image

US Food and Drug Administration. Indoor Tanning: The Risks of Ultraviolet Rays.

American Academy of Dermatology. 10 Surprising Facts About Indoor Tanning.