Dietary Supplements: Are You Throwing Money Away?

Dietary Supplements: Are You Throwing Money Away?By Dennis Thompson HealthDay Reporter
TUESDAY, Aug. 2, 2022

Most Americans swear bydietary supplements, with nearly 3 of 4 people taking some type of supplement on a daily basis, a newHealthDay/Harris Poll has revealed.

But many have a mistaken belief in the effectiveness of thesesupplements,在大多数情况下不帮助的人活nger or healthier lives, said Thunder Jalili, director of graduate and undergraduate studies innutritionat the University of Utah.

"There's a lot of effective marketing aroundsupplements, and people want to believe and want to find a product that's helpful, so the marketing is there for a receptive audience," Jalili noted.

What's worse, people also have the notion that the U.S. federal government has tight oversight of thesupplementsindustry, and that's simply not so, Jalili said during aHealthDay Nowinterview.

About half of U.S. adults (49%) mistakenly believe that mostdietary supplementsavailable for purchase have been declared safe and effective by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, theHealthDay/Harris Poll found.

Only about a quarter know that thesesupplementshit the market without any prior review by the FDA, poll results show.

"There is no FDA requirement to actually study if any of these are efficacious," Jalili said. "Because of that, there is a really mixed bag about what may actually be possibly working or what may not."

Further, 1 in 3 people mistakenly believe that a potentially dangerous supplement would not be allowed to be sold in the United States, the poll found.

In fact, "it's pretty unregulated," Jalili said. The FDA doesn't "necessarily have the legal mandate or the staff or the resources to really keep tabs on absolutely everything, and they don't have a great enforcement mechanism either.

"They may find ingredients or supplements that that are not safe, and they can send letters and they can contact the manufacturers to say, 'We want you to pull these ingredients or we want you to recall these supplements,'" Jalili toldHealthDay Now. "But at the end of the day, a lot of these companies don't do that, and there's no real specific enforcement to get them to do that."

Despite this, the poll found that about 9 in 10 people who take supplements are confident the supplements they take are safe for them, including about half who strongly agree.

In fact, a majority of folks (56%) believe that supplements are safer than prescriptiondrugs, poll results show.

"Even though the FDA has been in the public eye more so than ever these past few years, given theCOVID-19pandemic, it appears consumers have misconceptions about the role of the agency in how supplements are vetted for safety," said Kathy Steinberg, vice president for The Harris Poll.

The top three types of supplements taken regularly by adults aremultivitamins(35%),vitamin D(31%) andvitamin C(26%), the poll found.

But the science supporting their use simply isn't there, Jalili said.

"There have been over the last 20 to 25 years or so a number of large-scale multivitamin trials, and they've been done with the idea that if we supplement, say,vitamin E,vitamin A,vitamin Calone or in combination, we can reduce the risk ofheart disease, reduce risk of mortality, reduce the risk of certaincancers," Jalili said.

"And these studies that have at this point probably enrolled millions of people, they've basically found it doesn't really work," Jalili continued. "Not only that, but in some populations, it actually increases the risk for harm and increases mortality."

Other studies touting the benefits ofmultivitaminshave been done in a controlled lab setting that doesn't reflect real life, Jalili added.

"Let's say half the supplements out there have some data saying that they do something," Jalili said. "The problem is the vast majority of this data is in a cell culture model or an animal model. They're going to act differently than in a complex human. So, that muddies the waters as to what may work and what may not work."

Vitamin A(taken by 4% as beta carotene) andvitamin E(taken by 15%) specifically have been identified as being harmful to people, Jalili said, and the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force has recommended against their use.


Vitamin D Deficiency: How Much Vitamin D Is Enough?See Slideshow

And even more recently, a study published last week in theNew England Journal of Medicinefound thatvitamin Dsupplements did nothing to improve bone health and ward offfractures.

The trial found that middle-aged folks and seniors randomly assigned to take heavy daily doses ofvitamin Dsuffered bonefracturesat about the same rate as those taking a placebo.

Jalili actually recommends against average healthy Americans taking multivitamins.

Food the best source ofvitamins

"In some cases it could be bad, but in the vast majority of cases, they really just don't do any good," Jalili said. "If you have close to the recommended amount of these nutrients from what you eat, there's no extra benefit from taking a supplement."

Jalili said it's much better for people to get their nutrients from food.

He gave the example of turmeric, a nutrient that has anti-inflammatory properties and is available as a supplement.

When turmeric is taken as a pill, the body struggles to process it, Jalili said.

"We may take 500 milligrams or 1,000 milligrams of turmeric and will absorb virtually none of it," Jalili said. "But when we take that turmeric root and we use it in Indian curry, where it's cooked and simmered, it has a chance to become more bioavailable. Then we eat that curry and there's other things in that curry, other nutrients, many things together that actually are a better combination."

Despite this overall belief in supplements, the public is also aware of their potential hazards and shortcomings, the poll found.

Nearly 2 in 3 adults know that supplements can negatively interact with prescription medications, the poll showed. Three-fourths say taking too much of certainvitaminscan be harmful to health, and 61% agreed that taking more supplements will not necessarily improve their health.

More than 4 in 5 adults agree it's important to talk to their doctor about their supplement use, the poll found.

But your doctor might not be the best source of information about supplements, Jalili said.

“没有特定的nutritiontraining that's required in medical schools. Across the board, many physicians have some sort of basicnutritiontraining, but not really advanced," Jalili said.

“所以,无论你的医生是一个很好的来源nutritionor not really depends on that individual," he said. "If that individual is really interested in nutrition and takes the time to self-educate, then yes, they can be a great source of nutrition advice.

"I would say the best source would be to go take a nutrition class at a university or talk to some sort of nutrition professional," Jalili said. "A registered dietitian is always a good source."


The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics has more about dietary supplements.

SOURCES: Thunder Jalili, PhD, director, graduate and undergraduate studies, nutrition, University of Utah; Kathy Steinberg, vice president, The Harris Poll

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