
News Picture: Data Shows 2 Biggest Factors for Cancer Risk

MONDAY, Aug. 8, 2022 –Smokingand older age are the two most important risk factors for癌症, a new, large study shows.

The researchers also said doctors should look at excess body fat, family history and several other factors to help patients decide if they need additional screening and preventive interventions.

“Single癌症type-specific screening recommendations are based on risk factors for that specific type of癌症,” said lead study author Dr. Alpa Patel, senior vice president of population science at the AmericanCancerSociety. “Our findings are encouraging as we are working to define subgroups in the general population who could benefit from enhanced癌症screeningandprevention.”

To identify factors associated with more than a 2% risk of developing癌症in five years, researchers analyzed two AmericanCancerSociety studies that included nearly 430,000 participants with no personal history of cancer. They were followed for up to five years.

Over that time, 15,226癌症swere diagnosed.

The relative risk of any cancer was strongest for currentsmokerscompared with neversmokers.

Over five years, absolute risk topped 2% for nearly everyone over age 50 and some younger people. Those included current or former smokers under 50 and long-term nonsmokers who wereoverweightor had a parent, sibling or child with a history of cancer.

In men,alcoholintake, family history, red meat consumption and physical inactivity were also associated with risk.

In women, risk was associated withBMI(a measure of body fat based on height and weight),type 2 diabetes,hysterectomyandtubal ligation, family history,high blood pressureand physical inactivity.

The absolute five-year risk was as high as 29% in men and 25% in women.

“As we consider the possibility that future tests may be able to identify several types of cancer, we need to begin understanding who is most at risk for developing any type of cancer,” Patel said. “These types of data are not widely available, but necessary to inform future screening options, such as blood-based multi-cancer early detection tests that could help save lives.”

The findings were published Aug. 3 in the journalCancer.

SOURCE: American Cancer Society, news release, Aug. 3, 2022

By Cara Murez HealthDay Reporter

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