Allergies & Asthma: Keep Sneezes & Wheezes at Bay This Holiday Season

News Picture: Allergies & Asthma: Keep Sneezes & Wheezes at Bay This Holiday SeasonBy Cara Murez HealthDay Reporter

SATURDAY, Nov. 26, 2022 (HealthDay News) – It's possible to have a joy-filled holiday season while keepingallergiesandasthmain check.

Being aware of triggers is a key, according to the American College ofAllergy,Asthmaand Immunology (ACAAI).

“While the holidays bring much joy, some of the good times can be derailed byallergyandasthmaflares,” said allergist Dr. Kathleen May, president of ACAAI. “A few well-placed precautions can keep you healthy and get your new year off to a great start as well.”

Here are some tips to keepsneezingandwheezingat bay.

Food allergens:When you're invited to eat at someone else's house, tell your host about foods your family needs to avoid. Ask the host to mark containers so it's clear what is in them. When there's a potluck, let everyone involved know your restrictions. Or consider hosting at your home, which gives you more control over ingredients.

Decor dangers:Seasonal decorations have some hiddenallergytriggers. Some people have skin reactions to terpene, which is found in tree sap. Others may have a reaction if they inhalemoldspores andpollenfound on fresh trees and greenery. Consider washing your tree before bringing it inside. Even an artificial tree may need cleaning to remove dust andmoldfrom the previous year. Consider cleaning other decorations before putting them up, too.

Viruses:Virusescan also cause yourasthmato flare.Flu-related hospitalizations are higher now than they've been at this time of year in decades, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control andPrevention. Get aflu shot, the ACAAI suggests. Consider giving fistbumpsand air kisses instead of hugs and real kisses, to avoid picking up extra germs.

Alcohol:Though it's not anallergy, some people have an intolerance toalcoholthat shows up as a stuffy nose,headacheand/or flushed skin immediately after drinking. This is seen most often with red wine and alcohol that has color. Consider sipping something non-alcoholic instead.

Stress:Think about ways to keep the season calm.Exercisecan boost emotional balance. Consider working out indoors if thecoldweather bothers yourasthma. Or giveyogaand meditation a try.


Foodsafety.gov已经more onfood allergies.

SOURCE: American College ofAllergy,Asthmaand Immunology, news release, Nov. 17, 2022

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