After Angioplasty, Depression Can Keep Heart Patients From Taking Meds

News Picture: After Angioplasty, Depression Can Keep Heart Patients From Taking MedsBy Cara Murez HealthDay Reporter
TUESDAY, Dec. 13, 2022 (HealthDay News)

Patients who undergoangioplastyand stenting to open clogged arteries in and around theheartshould also be screened fordepression, according to a new study.

Researchers found thatdepressedpatients were less likely than their mentally healthy peers to take their prescribed medications, includingbeta-blockers, antiplatelets andstatins.

These medications reduce the likelihood of anotherheart attackor cardiovascular event afterangioplastyand stenting (also calledpercutaneous coronary intervention, or PCI).

“这是赞赏depressioncarries adverse cardiovascular risk. We wanted to understand better why that is the case,” said Dr. Jared Magnani, a cardiologist and associate professor of medicine at the University of Pittsburgh.

“We found that 10% to 20% of individuals withdepressionwere less likely to take their medicine after PCI, which is significant because this group is at a higher risk for serious complications or dying from aheart attack,” he said in a university news release.

Using medical claims data that included prescriptions filled at pharmacies, the researchers examined the records of more than 124,000 patients who had the procedure and were also diagnosed withdepression. Patients were followed for a year.

Medication adherence may depend on social factors, such as having the money to cover medication costs, the study authors noted. Pharmacy access is another challenge.

Prior research has found that a high percentage of people with冠状动脉diseasehave or will developdepression. And people withdepressionhave a fourfold increased risk ofheart disease.

“This study may help explain why cardiac patients with ...depressiontend to have higher rates of hospital readmissions and mortality than non-depressedcardiac patients,” said Dr. Bruce Rollman, professor of medicine at Pitt.

Magnani suggested that incorporatingdepression放映到心脏病护理可以帮助改善medication adherence and health outcomes for patients with depression.

“We provide critical and sometimes lifesaving therapies to our patients withheart disease, and then prescribe therapies which we know can help them. If depression challenges or reduces their ability to adhere to those medications, then it is essential to address depression as part of cardiovascular care and treatment,” Magnani said.

The findings were published online Dec. 12 inJAMA Network Open. This research was supported by the U.S. National, Lung, and Blood Institute.

More information

The U.S. National Library of Medicine has more on heart procedures.

SOURCE: University of Pittsburgh, news release, Dec. 12, 2022

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