一个merica's Doctors Offer Up Healthy Resolutions for 2023

News Picture: America's Doctors Offer Up Healthy Resolutions for 2023By Cara Murez HealthDay Reporter
FRIDAY, Dec. 30, 2022 (HealthDay News)

It's that time of year again, when people gather up their best intentions for living a healthier life and make New Year's resolutions.

Luckily, the American Medical Association (AMA) has some suggestions on which pledges pack the most punch.

Start by being more physically active. Adults should do at least 150 minutes a week of moderate-intensity activity or 75 minutes a week of vigorous-intensity activity, the AMA recommends.

“Many people kick off the start of each new year with big-picture health resolutions — ambitious, immediate lifestyle changes that are very difficult to maintain,” AMA president Dr. Jack Resneck Jr. said in an association news release. “The good news is that small, positive health choices made right now can have long-lasting effects.”

Here are 10 more tips from the AMA:

  • Manage yourstresswith a gooddiet, at least 7.5 hours of nightlysleep, dailyexerciseand wellness activities, such asyoga和冥想。一个sk for help from amental healthprofessional when you need it.
  • Eat fewer processed foods andsugar-sweetenedbeverages, especially those with added sodium andsugar. Eat less red meat and processed meats, replacing these with more plant-based foods, such as olive oil, nuts and seeds.
  • Drink water in place of sugar-sweetened beverages. Even 100% fruit juices are associated with a higher all-cause mortality risk.
  • 一个lcoholshould be consumed only in moderation, with up to one drink per day for women and two for men.
  • If you use tobacco ore-cigarettes, talk to your doctor about how to quit. Keep your home and car smoke-free to eliminate secondhand exposure.
  • Get your疫苗s. The whole family should be up to date on all of their疫苗s, including theflu shotandCOVID-19疫苗.
  • Stay up to date on screening. Millions of cases of breast, colon andprostate cancersmay have been missed because of pandemic-related care disruptions.
  • Know your官网地址bwinnumbers. You can better understand what's right for you by visiting ManageYourBP.org. Controllinghigh blood pressure会降低你的风险heart attackorstroke.
  • 一个lso learn your risk fortype 2 diabetes. You can do this with a two-minute online self-screening test at DoIHavePrediabetes.org. Lifestyle changes made now can help prevent or delay the onset oftype 2 diabetes.
  • 如果服用处方阿片类药物或其他读出cations, follow your doctor's instructions, store them safely to prevent diversion or misuse, and properly dispose of any leftover medication. Always take antibiotics exactly as prescribed.

More information

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control andPreventionhas tips for living ahearthealthy lifestyle.

SOURCE: American Medical Association, news release, Dec. 16, 2022

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