High Blood Pressure Quiz

Last Editorial Review: 10/31/2005
From Our Archives

One in four American adults hashigh blood pressure(HBP, also called hypertension). Left untreated, HBP puts you at greater risk forstroke,heart disease,kidney failureand eye problems. What's your HBP I.Q.?Take the test:

  1. HBP means that blood is having a hard time reaching the heart.TrueorFalse
  1. 6如果你有这些电脑toms: blurry vision, chest pains or headache.TrueorFalse
  1. Cutting back on salty snacks and foods is all you need to do to lower HBP.TrueorFalse
  1. The only way to know if you have HBP is to have your blood pressure checked.TrueorFalse


  1. False. HBP makes the heart work harder to pump blood to the body, which can damage the blood vessels and organs if not treated. It also contributes to hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis).
  2. False. HBP does not cause symptoms unless it is severely high. In fact, nearly one-third of people who have HBP don't know it.
  3. False. While reducing sodium can help, other lifestyle changes are usually necessary, such as losing weight, stopping smoking, eating healthful foods and getting enough exercise.
  4. True. Be sure to get your blood pressure checked regularly, especially if you have a close relative who has HBP.

Questions to Ask Your Doctor

  • What is my current blood pressure reading?
  • What possible risk factors (lifestyle,family history) may increase my risk?
  • What lifestyle changes should I make?
  • Would I benefit from taking an HBP drug?

Did You Know?

  • HBP is a serious condition that can damage the blood vessels, leading to hardening of the arteries, oratherosclerosis.
  • The vast majority (95%) of people who have HBP have essential hypertension- high blood pressure that does not have an apparent cause.
  • Many drugs, includingover-the-countercough and cold remedies,asthmamedications and appetite suppressants, can cause HBP.

Know Your Numbers

Blood pressure is measured in millimeters of mercury (mm Hg), with an "upper" number called thesystolicmeasurement, and a "lower" number called thediastolicmeasurement.

  • normal: Less than 120/80
  • prehypertension: 120-139/80-89
  • stage 1 hypertension: 140-159/90-99
  • stage 2 hypertension: 160+/100+

For more, please read theHigh Blood Pressure (Hypertension)article.

WebMD the Magazine - September/October 2005
© 2005WebMD Inc.All rights reserved.


How to Lower Blood Pressure: Exercise and TipsSee Slideshow

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