Menopause and Mental Health

Last Editorial Review: 4/15/2008

Midlife is often considered a period of increased risk fordepressionin women. The drop in estrogen levels duringperimenopauseandmenopausecan lead todepression, which can includeanxiety、恐惧和mood swings.Depressionduringperimenopauseandmenopauseis treated in much the same way asdepression在任何ot,罢工her time.

Research shows that other symptoms you're having, such assleep problems, hot flashes,night sweats, andfatiguecause these feelings of despair. Or it could be a combination of hormone changes and symptoms. But these symptoms also can have causes that are unrelated tomenopause. If you are having these symptoms, and they are interfering with your quality of life, it is important to discuss them with your doctor. Talk openly with your doctor about the other things going on in your life that might be adding to your feelings. Other things that could cause depression and/oranxietyduring menopause include:

  • Having depression before menopause

  • Feeling negative about menopause and getting older

  • Increasedstress

  • Having severe menopausal symptoms

  • Smoking

  • Not being physically active

  • Not being happy in your relationship or not being in a relationship

  • Not having a job

  • Not having enough money

  • Having low self-esteem (how you feel about yourself)

  • Not having the social support you need

  • Feeling disappointed that you can't have children anymore

If you need treatment for these symptoms, you and your doctor can work together to find a treatment that is best for you. If you have mood swings often, here are a few things you can do:

  • Try to get enoughsleepand be physically active. Ask your doctor about relaxation exercises you can do.

  • Ask your doctor about therapy or taking anantidepressant. There is proof that this can be helpful.

  • Talk to your friends who are in perimenopause or menopause or go to a support group for women who are going through the same thing as you. You also can get counseling to talk through your problems and fears.

The Federal Government Source forWomen's HealthInformation, US Department of Health and Human Services

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