Medical Definition of Anal itching

Last Editorial Review: 3/29/2021

Anal itching:Irritation of the skin at the exit of the rectum, accompanied by the desire to scratch. The intensity ofanal itching增加水分、压力、andabrasioncaused by clothing and sitting. It may be caused by irritating chemicals in food (as in spices, hot sauces, and peppers); irritation due to frequent liquid stools, as indiarrhea; diseases, such asdiabetes mellitusorHIVinfection, that increase the possibility of yeast infections; andpsoriasis. Other causes of analitchingincludehemorrhoids, anal fissures, abnormal local growth of anal skin (anal papillae), andskin tags. Treatment is directed first toward relieving the burning and soreness, including cleaning and drying the anus thoroughly, avoiding leaving soap in the anal area, showering gently without directly rubbing or irritating the skin, and using moist pads rather than toilet paper to clean the anus after bowel movements. Local application of cortisone cream may help. Also known as pruritus ani.



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