Does Medrol (methylprednisolone) cause side effects?

Medrol(methylprednisolone) is a synthetic (man-made)corticosteroidused to suppress inflammation from a variety of conditions and diseases such as

Medrol is also used to treat severeallergicconditions that fail conventional treatment such as

Chronicskin conditionstreated with Medrol include

Chronic allergic and inflammatory conditions of the uvea,iris,conjunctivaand optic nerves of the eyes also are treated with Medrol.

Medrol is used for treatingshockandmultiple sclerosisalthough its use in these conditions is controversial.Corticosteroidsare naturally-occurring chemicals produced by the adrenal glands located adjacent to the kidneys. Corticosteroids affect metabolism in various ways and modify the immune system.

Common side effects of Medrol include

Serious side effects of Medrol include

Drug interactionsof Medrol include

Medrol has not been adequately evaluated inpregnant女士们n ornursingmothers. Consult your doctor beforebreastfeeding.

What are the important side effects of Medrol (methylprednisolone)?

Adverse effects of methylprednisolone depend on dose, duration and frequency of administration. Short courses of methylprednisolone are usually well-tolerated with few, mild side effects. Long term, high doses of methylprednisolone may produce predictable and potentially serious side effects.

Whenever possible, the lowest effective doses of methylprednisolone should be used for the shortest length of time to minimize side effects. Alternate day dosing also can help reduce side effects.

Side effects of methylprednisolone and other corticosteroids range from mild annoyances to serious irreversible bodily damage.

Commonly reported side effects include:

  • fluid retention,
  • weight gain,
  • high blood pressure,
  • potassium loss,
  • headache,
  • muscle weakness,
  • puffiness of the face,
  • hair growth on the face,
  • thinning andeasy bruisingof the skin,
  • glaucoma,
  • cataracts,
  • peptic ulceration,
  • worsening ofdiabetes,
  • irregular menses,
  • growth retardation in children,
  • convulsions, and
  • psychic disturbances.

Important psychic disturbances may include:

Medrol (methylprednisolone) side effects list for healthcare professionals

Fluid andElectrolyteDisturbances
Sodium retention
Congestive heart failurein susceptible patients
Fluid retention
Potassium loss
Hypokalemic alkalosis

Muscle weakness
Loss of muscle mass
Steroid myopathy
Tendon rupture, particularly of the Achilles tendon
Vertebral compressionfractures
Aseptic necrosisof femoral and humeral heads
Pathologicfractureof long bones

Peptic ulcerwith possible perforation and hemorrhage
Abdominal distention
增加的艾伦ine transaminase (ALT, SGPT), aspartate transaminase (AST, SGOT), andalkaline phosphatasehave been observed following corticosteroid treatment. These changes are usually small, not associated with any clinical syndrome and are reversible upon discontinuation.

ImpairedwoundhealingPetechiae and ecchymoses
May suppress reactions to skin tests
Thin fragile skin
Facial erythema

Increased intracranial pressure with papilledema (pseudo-tumorcerebri) usually after treatment

Development of Cushingoid state
Suppression of growth in children
Secondary adrenocortical and pituitary unresponsiveness, particularly in times ofstress, as intrauma, surgery or illness
Menstrual irregularities
Decreased carbohydrate tolerance
Manifestations of latentdiabetes mellitus
Increased requirements of insulin or oralhypoglycemicagents in diabetics

Posterior subcapsular cataracts
Increasedintraocular pressure

Negative nitrogen balance due to protein catabolism
The following additional reactions have been reported following oral as well as parenteral therapy:Urticariaand other allergic, anaphylactic or hypersensitivity reactions.

What drugs interact with Medrol (methylprednisolone)?

The pharmacokinetic interactions listed below are potentially clinically important.

  • Mutual inhibition of metabolism occurs with concurrent use of cyclosporin and methylprednisolone; therefore, it is possible that adverse events associated with the individual use of either drug may be more apt to occur.
  • Convulsions have been reported with concurrent use of methylprednisolone and cyclosporin.
  • Drugsthat induce hepatic enzymes such as phenobarbital,phenytoinand rifampin may increase the clearance of methylprednisolone and may require increases in methylprednisolone dose to achieve the desired response.
  • Drugs such as troleandomycin and ketoconazole may inhibit the metabolism of methylprednisolone and thus decrease its clearance. Therefore, the dose of methylprednisolone should be titrated to avoid steroid toxicity.
  • Methylprednisolone may increase the clearance of chronic high dose aspirin. This could lead to decreased salicylate serum levels or increase the risk of salicylate toxicity when methylprednisolone is withdrawn.
  • Aspirin should be used cautiously in conjunction with corticosteroids in patients suffering from hypoprothrombinemia.
  • The effect of methylprednisolone on oralanticoagulantsis variable. There are reports of enhanced as well as diminished effects ofanticoagulantwhen given concurrently with corticosteroids.
  • Therefore, coagulation indices should be monitored to maintain the desired anticoagulant effect.


Medrol (methylprednisolone) is a synthetic (man-made) corticosteroid used to suppress inflammation from a variety of conditions and diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, acute gouty arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, and allergic conditions. Common side effects of Medrol include fluid retention, weight gain, high blood pressure (hypertension), potassium loss, headache, muscle weakness, puffiness of the face, hair growth on the face, thinning and easy bruising of the skin, glaucoma, cataracts, peptic ulceration, worsening of diabetes, irregular menses, and growth retardation in children. Medrol has not been adequately evaluated in pregnant women or nursing mothers.

Treatment & Diagnosis

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You are encouraged to report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA. Visit theFDA MedWatchwebsite or call 1-800-FDA-1088.

FDA Prescribing Information

Professional side effects and drug interactions sections courtesy of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.