Swollen Lip: Symptoms & Signs

Medically Reviewed on9/10/2019

Swelling of the lips can arise due to different conditions.

  • Traumaor injury to the lip and mouth area is an obvious cause of swollen lips.
  • Allergicreactions, either to foods, medications, or other substances, can often be accompanied by swelling of the lips.
    • This may be accompanied by other allergic symptoms, such ashivesanditching.
  • Angioedemais a condition in which there is swelling of the tissue beneath the skin, and this is often concentrated around the eyes and lips.
  • Some infections (such asherpessimplex virus infection) can result inblisters(sometimes referred to ascold sores) and localized swelling of the lips.
  • Infections and inflammatory conditions of the skin can also lead to inflammation and swollen lips (cheilitis).

Less commonly, medical conditions or illnesses that affect the entire body may cause lip swelling, sometimes in association with fluid retention or swelling in other areas of the body.

Other Causes of Swollen Lip

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Kasper, D.L., et al., eds.Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 19th Ed. United States: McGraw-Hill Education, 2015.