Thallium Poisoning: Symptoms & Signs

Medically Reviewed on12/14/2021

Thalliumis a bluish-white metal used in the manufacturing of electronic devices, mainly in the semiconductor industry. It is odorless and tasteless and occurs naturally in trace amounts in the earth's crust.

Poisoning with thallium has been reported. Symptoms and signs can include

Other associated signs and symptoms could include

Cause of Thallium Poisoning

Thallium enters the environment primarily from coal-burning and smelting. It stays in the air, water, and soil for a long time. It's absorbed by plants and enters the food chain, building up in fish and shellfish. Exposure can occur due to eating food contaminated with thallium,cigarette smoking,breathingworkplace air in certain industries, or living near waste sites containing the material.

Other thallium poisoning symptoms and signs


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Jameson, J. Larry, et al.Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 20th Ed.New York: McGraw-Hill Education, 2018.