Tramadol vs. codeine comparison

Tramadol(Ultram) andcodeineare both opiates and narcotics prescribed for moderatepain.Codeineis also acough suppressant. Codeine is derived from the poppy plant like other narcotics, including morphine,heroin, and opium.Tramadol, on the other hand, is synthetic, though it is similar to codeine.

Both thesedrugsare less potent than other opiates, which means their potential foraddictionand withdrawal are lower. That doesn't mean they're safe, however. Both can be physically and psychologically habit-forming.

Side effects for bothdrugs— aside from potentialaddiction— may includedizziness,confusion, sedation,constipation, and others.

Neither tramadol nor codeine should be taken withalcoholor othersedativesor tranquilizers because they may potentially magnify the effects. Particularly dangerous is the potential for respiratorydepression, which can make you stopbreathingif you take too much of either codeine or tramadol, or mix either of them with the wrong medication.

What are tramadol and codeine?

Tramadol and codeine are both opiates. Codeine is made from the poppy plant, just like morphine,heroin, and opium. Tramadol is chemically similar to codeine, but it's synthesized from precursor molecules in a lab. Many doctors like it because it has a lower potential for addiction than other opioids, though that doesn't mean it's non-addictive.

  • Tramadolis used in the management of moderate to moderately severepain. Extended release tablets are used for moderate to moderately severechronic painin adults who require continuous treatment for an extended period.
  • Codeineis used for the relief of mild to moderately severepainand for suppressingcough.

How do they work?

Opiates work because the central nervous system has three main opioid receptors in the nerve cells that, when coupled with natural opioids your body makes, governpainsensation, reward, aspects of gastrointestinal function, aspects of respiratory function, and aspects of urogenital function. These receptors are named after Greek letters: Mu receptors, Delta receptors, and Kappa receptors. They sit on the membrane of nerve cells and activate when an opioid -- whether naturally occurring in the body or introduced in the form of a drug -- fits into the molecule like a key in a lock.

Opiate drugs mimic the natural opioids produced by the body. Their molecules fit into the same receptors and activate them. Codeine, tramadol, morphine, and all other poppy derivatives target and activate mostly the Mu receptors, meaning they are "Mu receptor agonists."

These receptors and the naturally occurring (endogenous) opioids they pair with are responsible for the body's own efforts to deaden pain. Because of this, flooding the Mu receptors with pharmaceutical opioids like codeine, tramadol, and others can increase the painkilling (analgesic) properties of that part of the central nervous system.

Unfortunately, because the endogenous opioid system also governs reward pathways, pharmaceutical opioids are highly addictive. Endorphins are the main endogenous opioids your nervous system secretes in response to sex, a delicious meal, and other forms of pleasure. Because opiate drugs activate the same Mu receptors endorphins do,euphoria和深刻的幸福感是潜在的年代ide effects of all the opiate drugs on the market. Patients can become addicted physically and mentally as both their bodies and minds begin to crave that state of bliss.

Tramadol and codeine are much less potent than other opiates like morphine, heroin, and its synthetic counterpartFentanyl. Because of this, short-term use of tramadol and codeine forcoughor moderate pain symptoms comes with a relatively low risk of addiction or withdrawal.

The endogenous opioid system, as mentioned before, helps govern the muscle reflex that expands and contracts your ribcage to breathe in and out in response to carbon dioxide levels in the blood. Because opiate drugs suppress this respiratory response, small doses of drugs like codeine can help suppresscoughingand reduce the pain of asore throatin all sorts of diseases and conditions in whichcoughingand throat pain are symptoms.

However, though researchers understand thecoughreflex is associated with the endogenous opioid system, they haven't figured out the exact mechanism by which codeine suppressescoughs. They don't know why, for instance, it doesn't work for some chroniccoughs.


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What are the side effects of tramadol and codeine?

The most frequent side effects of codeine and tramadol include:

Some patients who received tramadol have reportedseizures. It may causeserotonin syndromewhen combined with other drugs that also increase serotonin (seedrug interactionssection).

This is not a full list of side effects for either tramadol or codeine. Make sure you ask your doctor about the potential side effects of these drugs if you are prescribed them.

For more information, please visit the MedicineNet drug monographs for these medications:

Can I get addicted to tramadol and codeine?

Codeine and tramadol are habit forming.Mental and physical dependence can occur but are unlikely when used for short-term pain relief. If tramadol or codeine is suddenly withdrawn after prolonged use, symptoms of withdrawal may develop.

The psychological or physical dependence tramadol and codeine can cause is similar to other narcotics. Tramadol is a Schedule IV medication on the federal list of controlled substances as outlined by the U.S. Controlled Substance Act. Codeine has a more serious Schedule II classification because of its higher potential for abuse.

What are the withdrawal symptoms of tramadol and codeine?

Abrupt withdrawal from tramadol and codeine may result in

Withdrawal symptoms are similar to other opiates. Prescribing doctors should gradually reduce doses of codeine and tramadol in order to avoid these symptoms.


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How should tramadol and codeine be taken (dosage)?

Tramadol dosage

  • The recommended dose of tramadol is 50-100 mg (immediate release tablets) every 4-6 hours as needed for pain.
  • The maximum dose is 400 mg/day.
  • To improve tolerance patients should be started at 25 mg/day, and doses may be increased by 25-50 mg every 3 days to reach 50-100 mg/day every 4 to 6 hours.
  • Tramadol may be taken with or without food.
  • The recommended dose for extended release tablets is 100 mg daily which may be increased by 100 mg every 5 days but not to exceed 300 mg /day. To convert from immediate release to extended release, the total daily dose should be rounded down to the nearest 100 mg. Extended release tablets should be swallowed whole and not crushed or chewed.

Codeine dosage

  • The usual adult dose of codeine for pain is 15-60 mg every 4-6 hours as needed.
  • The dose forcoughis 10 to 20 mg every 4-6 hours as needed.
  • The maximum dose for treating cough is 120 mg every 24 hours.

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Which drugs interact with tramadol and codeine?

Both tramadol and codeine may increase central nervous system and respiratorydepressionwhen combined with alcohol. Alcohol and anesthetics, narcotics, tranquilizers (likealprazolam[Xanax]), or sedativehypnoticscan produce further brain impairment and evenconfusionwhen combined with tramadol or codeine. Therefore, alcohol and other sedatives should not be used when taking tramadol or codeine.

Carbamazepine(Tegretol,TegretolXR,Equetro,Carbatrol) reduces the effect of tramadol by increasing its inactivation in the body.

Quinidine(Quinaglute, Quinidex) reduces the inactivation of tramadol, thereby increasing the concentration of tramadol by 50% to 60%.

Combining tramadol withmonoamine oxidase inhibitorsorMAOIs(for example, tranylcypromine [Parnate]) or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), for example,fluoxetine(Prozac), may result in severe side effects such asseizuresor a condition called serotonin syndrome.

Drugs that stimulate and also block opioid receptors (for example, pentazocine) reduce the effect of codeine. Such drugs should not be combined with codeine.

Drugs that block the action of acetylcholine (anticholinergic drugs) increase the occurrence ofurinary retentionandconstipationwhen combined with codeine.

Monoamine oxidase inhibitors(MAOIs) class ofantidepressants(for example, isocarboxazid [Marplan], phenelzine [Nardil], tranylcypromine [Parnate],selegiline[Eldepryl], and procarbazine [Matulane]) significantly increase the action of codeine. Codeine should not be used in patients taking MAOIs or within 14 days of stopping MAOIs.

This is not a complete list ofdrug interactionsfor tramadol and codeine. If a doctor prescribes you either of these narcotics, make sure you provide a full list of other medications you're taking to avoid dangerous interactions.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding

  • No one has systematically studied the safety of tramadol or codeine duringpregnancy, butpregnantmothers should avoid using any opiate because of the risk of dependence in the developing fetus.
  • Small amounts of both tramadol and codeine are secreted inbreast milk, but the dose is typically too tiny to cause problems with the baby.
  • Still, if you are prescribed either of these medications whilebreastfeeding, you and your doctor should carefully evaluate the risks before you make a decision on whether to take it.


Tramadol and codeine are both opioids or opiates used to control pain. Codeine is also used as a cough medication. Both codeine and tramadol are habit forming. The most frequent side effects of codeine and tramadol include lightheadedness, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, shortness of breath, sedation, allergic reactions, constipation, abdominal pain, rash, itching, and addiction. Do not take tramadol or codeine if pregnant. Consult your doctor if breastfeeding.

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Medically Reviewed on7/15/2022
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Tramadol Compound Summary

Codeine Compound Summary

"Tramadol: Seizures, Serotonin Syndrome, and Coadministered Antidepressants"
Randy A. Sansone, MD and Lori A. Sansone, MD
Psychiatry (Edgemont)
April, 2009

"How Does The Opioid System Control Pain, Reward And Addictive Behavior?"
European College of Neuropsychopharmacology
Oct., 2007

"Molecular Mechanisms of Opioid Receptor-Dependent Signaling and Behavior"
Ream Al-Hasani, Ph.D. and Michael R. Bruchas, Ph.D.
Dec. 2011

"Opioid Receptors: A video on Mu, Delta, Kappa and ORL1 receptors"
Flavio Guzman, MD

"Reward Processing by the Opioid System in the Brain"
Julie Le Merrer, Jérome A. J. Becker, Katia Befort, and Brigitte L. Kieffer
Physiological Reviews
Oct. 2009

Incidence, Reversal, and Prevention of Opioid-induced Respiratory Depression
Albert Dahan, M.D., Ph.D.; Leon Aarts, M.D., Ph.D.; Terry W. Smith, Ph.D.
Jan. 2010

"Central and peripheral mechanisms of narcotic antitussives: codeine-sensitive and -resistant coughs"
Kazuo Takahama and Tetsuya Shirasaki
July, 2007

"Drug Scheduling"
U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration