What Are the Symptoms of a Milk Allergy in Adults?

Medically Reviewed on8/23/2021
what are symptoms of milk allergy in adults
Milk allergy reactions may cause immediate or delayed symptoms. Learn to spot the signs and what foods to avoid if you have a dairy allergy

Milk allergyreactions may cause immediate symptoms within minutes or delayed symptoms up to 2-3 hours after consuming milk products. Severity of symptoms can vary, from mild to life-threatening. Common symptoms of milkallergyinclude:

What is a milk allergy?

Milkallergy, or dairyallergy, is one the most commonfood allergiesthat affect both children and adults. While more commonly seen within the first year of a baby’s life, milk allergy can occur at any age. Adults can develop an allergy to dairy products even if they used to be able to consume milk in the past without any issues.

Although milk allergy is often confused withlactose intolerance, they are not the same. Lactose intolerance is the inability to digest lactose, asugarfound in many dairy products. Milk allergy is an immune response to proteins in milk, casein and whey.

What ingredients can cause milk allergy symptoms?

People with milkallergiesshould avoid the following ingredients or foods:

  • Milk (all forms, including condensed, dry, evaporated and powdered milk)
  • Butter (including butterfat, butter oil, clarified butter, and artificial butter flavor)
  • Buttermilk
  • Cheese and cream cheese
  • Cottage cheese and curds
  • Cream, half and half, and ice cream
  • Sour cream, sour milk
  • Cottage cheese and curds
  • Custard, pudding, and yogurt
  • Casein and casein hydrolysates
  • Caseinates (such as sodium caseinate)
  • Whey
  • Lactalbumin, lactalbumin phosphate, lactoglobulin, lactoferrin, andlactulose

How is milk allergy diagnosed?

A diagnosis of milk allergy is made by reviewing symptoms and going through a process of elimination to rule out other medical conditions. Tests may include:

  • Stooltest
  • Blood tests
  • Allergy tests, including skin prick or patch tests
  • Food challenge test

How is milk allergy treated?

The best way to manage all types of milkallergies和牛奶敏感是避免食用dairy products. While there is no definitive treatment for milk allergy, some of the following measures may be taken to limit reactions:


Common Allergies: Symptoms and SignsSee Slideshow

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Medically Reviewed on8/23/2021
美国学院关于过敏症,哮喘和免疫学。Milk & Dairy Allergy. https://acaai.org/allergies/types-allergies/food-allergy/types-food-allergy/milk-dairy-allergy

Sicherer SH. Food Allergies. Medscape. https://emedicine.medscape.com/article/135959-overview