What Do Basophils Do?

What do basophils do?

Basophils are white blood cells that play a role in identifying and destroying bacteria and pathogens. Basophils defend against bacteria, viruses and fungi.
Basophils are white blood cells that play a role in identifying and destroying bacteria and pathogens. Basophils defend against bacteria, viruses and fungi.

Basophils are a type of white blood cell (leukocyte) that plays a role in identifying and destroying bacteria and foreign proteins. Basophils work along with other white blood cells to defend against the invading microorganisms, such as bacteria,virusesand fungi.

The granules of basophils containheparin, histamine and other molecules that play a vital role in inflammation. When activated, the basophils release chemicals from their granules that are toxic to bacteria and viruses. These chemicals kill them.

Production of basophils

Like other blood cells, basophils originate from thestem cellsin the bone marrow (spongy part in the center of the long bones). Through a process called hematopoiesis, they develop different blood cells with specific structures and functions.

Mature basophils are released from the bone marrow and circulate in the blood. They usually live for a few days before they die and are replaced by new basophils.

What are the functions of basophils?

Basophils play an important role in

Proper functioning of the immune system

Basophils are the soldiers of the immune system. In the body, they recognize the invading microorganism as a foreign body that needs to be destroyed. Basophils are the most effective in protecting the body against bacteria and parasites, including external parasites, such asticks.


Basophils along with IgE type of proteins (antibodies) mediate response to allergens. Basophils bind to immunoglobulin E (IgE), which is an antibody that protects against allergens (environmental substances,pollenproteins, parasites, ectoparasite, etc.)

Basophil activation test (BAT)

It is a specific test that helps in confirming allergic reactions. During the test, potential allergens are applied to a sample of the blood. If the person has anallergy, the basophils in their blood sample will activate specific molecules. This test is highly accurate in detecting food, drug, and venomallergiesin patients.

Actions of basophils

  • Histamine, the vasodilator in basophils, causes the blood vessels near the infection to widen, promoting blood flow. This helps inwoundhealing and destruction of germs.
  • Basophils contain the抗凝剂, heparin, which preventsblood clotsat the site of the infection.
  • When a potentially harmfulallergenenters the body, basophils respond by releasing histamine. Histamine is responsible for some of the symptoms produced by allergic reactions, such asitchyskin,watery eyes,sneezingand流鼻涕.
  • Basophils also participate in phagocytosis, the process of destroying an invading organism (germs) by taking it apart.
  • Recent studies suggest that basophils regulate T-type white blood cells and facilitate the secondary immune response.

The normal range for basophils

Basophils, eosinophils and neutrophils constitute a group of white blood cells known as granulocytes. Basophils are the least common of granulocytes and account for 0.5 to 1 percent of white blood cells.?Complete blood count(CBC) can confirm the abnormally high (basophilia) or abnormally low (basopenia) levels of basophils in the blood.

Change in basophil levels may be a sign of an underlying condition.

Basophilia (high basophil levels)

This may occur due to

Basopenia (low basophil levels)

This may occur due to

The symptoms depend on the underlying disease. Treatment is usually directed to the underlying disease that causes the change in the levels of basophils.


Sickle cell disease is named after a farming tool.See Answer

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