What Happens in the 2nd Trimester Pregnancy?

Medically Reviewed on8/20/2021

What is the second trimester?

The second trimester of pregnancy is often the most comfortable for women. In the second trimester of pregnancy, a woman experiences a growing belly, body pains, melasma, bleeding gums, dizziness, carpel tunnel syndrome, swelling and other changes.
The second trimester of pregnancy is often the most comfortable for women. In the second trimester of pregnancy, a woman experiences a growing belly, body pains, melasma, bleeding gums, dizziness, carpel tunnel syndrome, swelling and other changes.

The first three months ofpregnancycan be the hardest for moms-to-be. But the next three months, or thesecond trimesterofpregnancy, might be the easiest for you. This “golden period” is the most enjoyable stage of pregnancy.

The second trimester is the middle stage of pregnancy. It lasts from the fourth to the sixth month or 13 to 28 weeks of pregnancy. During this stage, your body will undergo many changes and your baby will grow quickly. You’ll start seeing your “baby bump” and feel your baby’s movements.

Thefatigue,morning sickness, and other unpleasant symptoms you experienced in thefirst trimesterwill fade during your second trimester. With restored energy and a renewed sense of well-being, you’ll begin to feel your best.

怀孕中期妊娠阶段将be the most comfortable part of pregnancy. This is also the ideal time to learn about the next trimester and plan your baby’s birth.

Changes you experience in the second trimester

During your second trimester of pregnancy, you’ll have increased energy, a better appetite, decreasednausea, and improvedsleeppatterns. But you will likely experience some of the following symptoms due to hormonal changes:

  • Growing belly and increased breast size
  • Bodypainin the lower back, abdomen, pelvis, or legs
  • Pigmentation or dark patches on your face, known asmelasma
  • A dark line along your abdomen, or linea nigra
  • Darkening of the area around your nipples
  • Stretch marksacross your abdomen, breasts, buttocks, or thighs
  • Swelling or bleeding of mucous membranes in your nose, causingcongestionornosebleeds
  • Sensitive orbleeding gums
  • Dizzinessdue to changes in blood circulation
  • Leg and abdominalcramps
  • Sticky, clear, or whitevaginal discharge
  • Numbness or tingling in your hands, known ascarpal tunnel syndrome
  • Itchyabdomen, palms, andfeet
  • Swelling in your ankles, fingers, or face

Most of these symptoms go away after delivery. You may also experience mild, irregular contractions in your abdomen. These are calledBraxton Hicks contractionsorfalse labor.

Contact your doctor if you havepainful urination, as it may be a sign ofurinary tract infection. You may also have to undergo second-trimesterprenatalcheckups for:

Your baby in the second trimester

在第二阶段的开始,你的婴儿will be 4 inches long and weigh approximately 1 ounce. During this stage, your baby undergoes the following changes over the course of three months.

From 13 to 16 weeks of pregnancy

During this period, your baby’s muscles grow and bones harden to create the musculoskeletal system. Skin starts to form, but it is almost thin enough to see through. You will also start seeing toenails.

Lungsbegin to develop slowly. Your baby starts showing signs of sucking and swallowing reflexes. Your baby’s firststool, known as meconium, starts developing in the digestive tract.

Your baby grows to 4 or 5 inches and weighs approximately 3 to 4 ounces.

From 17 to 20 weeks of pregnancy

You will feel your baby move in your womb as it becomes more active in this period. Fine, soft hair called lanugo and a waxy coating called vernix cover your baby to protect the growing skin. These eventually get absorbed into your baby’s skin.

By now, your baby’s ears, nose, lips, eyebrows, eyelashes, and nails will be visible onultrasound. Thedigestive systemstarts working, and parts of the brain that control movement are formed.

Halfway through the pregnancy, your baby will grow to 6 inches and weigh 9 ounces.

From 21 to 24 weeks of pregnancy

Your baby can now kick and turn. The sucking reflex continues to develop, and the hand and startle reflexes develop. Taste buds, footprints, and fingerprints form. Hair begins to grow on your baby’s head. Blood cells begin to form in the developing bone marrow.

Fat slowly forms under the skin, so your baby gains weight during the second trimester. The skin is now wrinkly and reddish. Your baby also has asleepcycle, with regular sleeping and waking patterns.

Your baby’s sex organs are also developing in this stage. If you wish to determine your baby’s sex, you can do so in the second trimester.

Growing to about 12 inches, your baby will now weigh 1.5 pounds.

From 25 to 28 weeks of pregnancy

At this stage, your baby’s lungs are completely developed but can’t function in the womb. Hand and leg movements are now stronger. Your baby can open and close their eyelids.

The nervous system gradually develops. As more fat forms under the skin, the wrinkly skin begins to look smooth.

By this time, your baby will be 13 to 16 inches long and weigh between 2 and 3 pounds.

Precautions you can take

In your second trimester of pregnancy, eat a healthydietwith more fruits and vegetables forfiberand drink lots of water. Avoid strenuousexercise,alcohol, andsmoking. Consult with your doctor before taking any prescriptiondrugsorsupplements.


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Medically Reviewed on8/20/2021

ACOG: "How Your Fetus Grows During Pregnancy."

KidsHealth: "A Week-by-Week Pregnancy Calendar."

pregnancybirth&baby: "Braxton Hicks contractions."

OASH: "Stages of pregnancy."

Summa Health: "2nd Trimester."

unicef: "Your second trimester guide."