What Is the Success Rate of a Pancreas Transplant?

More than 95% of people survive the first year after a pancreas transplant.
More than 95% of people survive the first year after a pancreas transplant.

More than 95% of people survive the first year after a pancreas transplant. Organ rejection occurs in about 1% of the patients. The survival rate decreases to 92.5% at three years. The risk of death from the surgery itself is low and happens in less than one in 100 cases.

If the transplantation is successful, the recipients may have a stabilized bloodsugarlevel without the need for externalinsulinshots. The complications ofdiabetes, such as nerve and vision issues, may also improve after transplantation.

The potential lifespan of the transplanted pancreas is unknown; however, at present, individuals are surviving for more than 16 years after transplantation.

的recipients with successful transplantation have a better quality of life with better psychosocial and career aspects, but these recipients won’t have the health and performance of a healthy individual.

What is a pancreas transplant?

A pancreas transplant is a last resort treatment in patients with an established type 1diabetes mellitus. It involves the replacement of an unhealthy pancreas with a healthy pancreas from a donor. A pancreas transplant helps in:

The pancreas is generally taken from a deceased donor; however, in selective cases, the pancreas will be taken from a living donor. There are four types of pancreas transplant:

  • Simultaneous pancreas-kidney transplant:This type of transplant involves a simultaneous pancreas and kidney transplant.
  • Pancreas-after-kidney transplant:Pancreas transplantation takes place after successful kidney transplantation.
  • Kidney after pancreas transplants:Kidney transplantation takes place after successful pancreas transplants.
  • Pancreas transplant alone:It is performed in patients with serious and complicateddiabetes.


What percentage of the human body is water?See Answer

When should a pancreas transplant be avoided?

A pancreas transplant should be avoided in people with:

什么expect in a pancreas transplant?

Before the procedure:

  • The surgeon determines if a pancreas transplant is necessary for you.
  • You need to undergo specific tests as a part of the evaluation, which includes:
    • Blood tests or skin tests to check for infection
    • tests such as electrocardiography,echocardiography, or cardiac catheterization
    • Tissue and blood typing to make sure that the body doesn’t reject the donated organs
    • Test to diagnose earlycancer
  • You will be placed on a waiting list to receive a deceased donor pancreas.
  • Your name and blood test results will be placed on the United Network for Organ Sharing’s national list.
  • During the wait, follow these steps:
    • 遵循一个dietrecommended by the doctor.
    • Avoidsmokingand alcohol consumption.
    • Keep a check on your weight in a range recommended by the physician.
    • Take prescribed medicines.

During the procedure:

  • A pancreas transplant is generally performed under general anesthesia.
  • The surgeon makes an incision down the center of the abdomen.
  • Next, the surgeon places the donor pancreas on the lower right side of the abdomen attached to the nearby blood vessels. If the pancreas is taken from a deceased donor, then the surgeon removes the pancreas along with a small section of the small intestine. Whereas, if the pancreas is taken from a living donor, the surgeon takes a portion of the body and the tail of the pancreas.
  • 的recipient’s existing pancreas usually remains in their body.

After the procedure:

  • You have to stay in the hospital for three to seven days.
  • You will need regular blood tests for one to two months.
  • You may need to take several medications post-transplant.

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